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Navicat activation code expired solution (simple) [by]


Navicat activation code expired solution (simple)
The 2021-03-07 17:35:59 reading: 778 source: the Internet

Tags: expired Navicat CURRENT activation code USER SOFTWARE

And long useless navicat database software, open again and again shows that the activation code has expired, and to use the old way (is my first blog write)

The fairy to supplement again, this blog to write detailed points (convenient after learning, also convenient lovely readers)

1. Close Navicat, win + R keys, enter regedit out Windows registry

2. Delete the HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ SOFTWARE \ PremiumSoft \ Data

3. Unfold the HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ SOFTWARE \ Classes \ clsids (must be carefully to find, is CLASID file, at first I found I haven't found, the original front belt ". "a bunch of files to find,), and then click each child folder view, if it only contains a folder named Info, is determined to put it deleted

4. Open again, in addition to remind update, don't remind activation code has been expired, use casually, happy

(ignoring the bottom of the qq head portrait, that is my younger brother stolen number N years ago, I used to send link)

Note: this method can be used infinitely, as long as the show activation code expired

Tags: expired, Navicat, CURRENT, the activation code, the USER, SOFTWARE
Source: https://www.cnblogs.com/lloulou/p/14495491.html
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