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Redhat6.5 oracle11g database installation...


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# # #. (root) yum install libstdc++. So. 5 # # # # # #
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Install oracle 11 g steps:

1. Edit/etc/hosts, add localhost mapping
1. Edit/etc/hosts, in the end of the file to localhost mapping information ( for the machine IP address, ebig31)

[root] # vi/etc/hosts ebig31 (in this case the machine's IP and hostname)

2. Edit/etc/sysctl. Conf, add the core param
2. Edit/etc/sysctl. Conf, at the end of the file to join the core parameters configuration

[root] # vi/etc/sysctl. Conf

The kernel. Shmmni=4096
Kernel. Sem=500, 64000, 100, 128
Fs. File - Max=65536
Net. Ipv4. Ip_local_port_range=1024, 65000
Net. Core. Rmem_default=262144
Net. Core. Rmem_max=262144
Net. Core. Wmem_default=262144
Net. Core. Wmem_max=262144

3. Make the core param do work
3. Execute the command, make effective core parameter

[root] # sysctl -p

4. Edit limits params
4. Edit the limit parameters/etc/security/limits the conf, in the end of the file to limit parameter configuration

[root] # vi/etc/security/limits the conf

* soft nproc 65536
* hard nproc 65536
* soft nofiles 65536
* hard nofiles 65536

5. Create admin user of oracle and credate install dir
5. Create an oracle user management and the installation directory

[root] # groupadd oinstall
[root] # groupadd dba
[root] # oinstall useradd - m - g - g dba oracle
[root] # passwd oracle
[root] # mkdir -p/ora/oracle
[root] # chown -r oracle: oinstall/ora/oracle
[root] # chmod -r 775/ora/oracle

6. The login as the oracle, edit the default config file of oracle
6. With oracle login system, modify the configuration parameters ~/. Following, add the following configuration content

[root] # su - oracle
[oracle] $vi ~/. Following

Export ORACLE_BASE=/ora/oracle
Export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/11.2.0/db_1
The export is=dbserver
The export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin: $PATH
Export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:/usr/lib/usr/lib64:/lib:/usr/local/lib: $LD_LIBRARY_PATH

7. Unzip the oracle install file, for 64 - bit system, the file is
Linux. X64_11gR2_database_1of2. Zip
Linux. X64_11gR2_database_2of2. Zip
7. Create tools directory/home/oracle/tools, upload the database installation file to the/home/oracle/tools, extract the 64 oracle installation file

[oracle] $mkdir/home/oracle/tools

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # FTP upload file operations # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

[oracle] $CD/home/oracle/tools
[oracle] $unzip Linux. X64_11gR2_database_1of2. Zip
[oracle] $unzip Linux. X64_11gR2_database_2of2. Zip

8. Install oracle
8. Install oracle
Note: this operation need to switch to the oracle environment (switch to the oracle account)
Recommended to restart the server and then log in to the oracle account operation!

[oracle] $./database/runInstaller

(attention both please, there have same error during installing, both please igore derect!)
(note: run, you will be prompted some packages is not installed, direct ignore)

9. The run root. Sh script, complete the install
9. Use the root user, run the root. Sh script, complete the installation (note: by root does not need to switch to the oracle account passwords, account to switch to other root need to enter the root password)

[oracle] $su - root
[root] #/ora/oracle/oraInventory/orainstRoot sh
[root] #/ora/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/root. Sh

10. Turn off the Listener log and fix the Listener a bug, edit the Listener, ora file, add next text (must turn to the oracle user)
10. Close the listener log, and fix the listener a bug, modify the listener configuration file "$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener. Ora ', add the following two rows at the end of the file

[root] # su - oracle
[oracle] $vi $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener. Ora


11. Set the table the allocate segment even than the table is empty
11. Set the table automatically assigned storage space (with sys user login oracle, run the following command)

[oracle] $up sqlplus/as sysdba
SQL> alter system set deferred_segment_creation=false scope=both;

12. Set the oracle iglore the case of the user 's password
12. Set the oracle does not distinguish between the password is case sensitive (using sys user login oracle, run the following command)

SQL> The alter system set sec_case_sensitive_logon=false scope=to both;

13. The close audit
13. Shut down the oracle audit function (using sys user login oracle, run the following command)

SQL> The alter system set audit_trail='NONE' scope=spfile;

14. The close password limit
14. Close the password expiration functions

Select * from t. dba_profiles t where profile='DEFAULT' AND T.r esource_name='PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME';

SQL> The alter profile default limit password_life_time unlimited;

SQL> The exit

The following is a automatic backup processing

Steps: 1. The config oracle 11 g
(the need to edit oraclesvc file, because the oracle install path will be changed every install)
1. Configure the oracle database automatically boot startup (to start the oracle configuration as a Linux service), the oraclesvc first (in the installation guide package ebig) file copy to/home/oracle/tools (root account operation)

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # upload oraclesvc file to/home/oracle/tools directory # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
[oracle] $su - root
[root] # CD/home/oracle/tools
[root] # cp oraclesvc/etc/init. D/oraclesvc
[root] # chmod 755/etc/init. D/oraclesvc
[root] # the chkconfig -- add oraclesvc
[root] # the chkconfig -- level 345 oraclesvc on

2. Edit the oracle user 's environment, support Chinese
2. Modify the oracle user environment variables, support Chinese operations (modify the ~/. The following files, add the following two lines of text content)

[root] # su - oracle
[oracle] $vi ~/. Following

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