I've created a view from the join of two tables called students and depts; Now I want to insert a record through the view in the students table. Simple INSERT INTO showing error -
ERROR: cannot insert into view "mec_engg", DETAIL: Views that do not select from a single table or view are not automatically updatable
Code for creating the view -
SELECT rollno, st_name, deptname,
AGE(current_date, bdate) AS Age
FROM students, depts
WHERE students.deptcode=depts.deptcode
AND depts.deptname='Mechanical Engineering';
Depts table -
deptcode CHAR(3) PRIMARY KEY,
deptname CHAR(30) NOT NULL
Students Table -
CREATE TABLE students(
st_name CHAR(30),
bdate DATE CHECK(bdate>'01-JAN-97'),
deptcode CHAR(3) REFERENCES depts(deptcode) ON DELETE CASCADE,
hostel SMALLINT CHECK(hostel<10),
parent_inc NUMERIC(8,1)
How can I insert the record through the view in students table?
INSERT INTO mec_engg(rollno, st_name, deptname, age)
VALUES (92005454, 'Abhishek Ganguly', 'Mechanical Engineering', AGE(current_date, DATE'22-Oct-2000'));
CodePudding user response:
One possibility is to use a trigger instead of as mentioned in the insert command output. Two more points are important:
age field does not exist in any of the students and depts tables therefore the age value cannot be in the insert command.
The deptcode field is a primary key and must be referenced in the insert command
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION mec_engg_insert_data() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN INSERT INTO "students" ("rollno", "st_name") VALUES (NEW."rollno", NEW."st_name"); INSERT INTO "depts" (deptcode, deptname) VALUES (1, NEW."deptname"); RETURN NEW; END; $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; CREATE TRIGGER mec_engg_insert INSTEAD OF INSERT ON mec_engg FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE mec_engg_insert_data(); INSERT INTO mec_engg(rollno, st_name, deptname) VALUES (92005454, 'Abhishek Ganguly', 'Mechanical Engineering');