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Collapse subtitle with bquote in ggplot2


I am trying change my subtitle to read "All Subjects as Treated at 5x10^7 TCID50" with the 7 superscript and the 50 subscript.

I was able to run the following plot, where there are spaces ("5 x 10"):

Example Plot

With the following code:

kmcurve1 <- ggsurvplot(km_p1p2_p2dose_fit, 
              palette = c("#202960", "#8CC63E"), 
              xlab = "Time (Months)", 
              legend.labs = c("Phase 1", "Phase 2"), 
              break.time.by = 6, 
              xlim = c(0,36), 
              conf.int = FALSE, 
              pval = TRUE, 
              pval.size = 5, 
              pval.method.size = 5, 
              pval.coord = c(30,0.9), 
              pval.method.coord = c(30,1), 
              pval.method = TRUE, 
              surv.median.line = "v", 
              risk.table = "abs_pct", 
              risk.table.col = "strata", 
              surv.plot.height = 2, 
              risk.table.height = 0.24, 
              censor.shape = "|", 
              censor.size = 5, 
              font.title = 28, 
              font.x = 14, 
              font.y = 14,
              font.tickslab = 12,
              risk.table.fontsize = 3.5)

kmcurve1$plot <- kmcurve1$plot  
  labs(title = "Overall Survival for Phase 1 and Phase 2",
       subtitle = bquote(All~Subjects~as~Treated~at~5.0~x~10^7~TCID[50]),
        caption = bquote(TCID[50]~-~Median~Tissue~Culture~Infectious~Dose))  
        theme(#text = element_text(family = "serif"), #only run for PDF output
              plot.title = element_text(size = 20), 
              plot.subtitle = element_text(size = 16), 
              plot.caption = element_text(size = 12),
              legend.text = element_text(size = 12), 
              legend.title = element_text(size = 12), 
              legend.key.size = unit(16, "points"), 
              axis.title.x = element_text(size = 14), 
              axis.title.y = element_text(size = 14),
              axis.text.x = element_text(size = 12), 
              axis.text.y = element_text(size = 12))


I have removed the study numbers to avoid having identifying information.

For the subtitle, I have also tried bquote(All~Subjects~as~Treated~at~5.0x10^7~TCID[50]), which gives me the following error message:

Error: unexpected symbol in:
"  labs(title = "Overall Survival for Phase 1 and Phase 2",
       subtitle = bquote(All~Subjects~as~Treated~at~5.0x10"

Let me know if it would be helpful to have a reprex of the KM fit to replicate the curve.

CodePudding user response:

If I correctly understand your goal, to show the subtitle without spaces around the 'x', try replacing part of your math expression the string '5x10'. bquote is able to combine math expressions with strings. Here is your subtitle presented in a reproducible plot.


fit<- survfit(Surv(time, status) ~ sex, data = lung)
p <- ggsurvplot(fit, data = lung)

  labs(title = "Overall Survival for Phase 1 and Phase 2",
       subtitle = bquote(All~Subjects~as~Treated~at~'5x10'^7~TCID[50]),
       caption = bquote(TCID[50]~-~Median~Tissue~Culture~Infectious~Dose))
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