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Pb QQ automatically sends a message to share


Global type w_main from window
End type
Type st_4 from statictext within w_main
End type
Type mle_msg from multilineedit within w_main
End type
Type sle_number from singlelineedit within w_main
End type
Type sle_name from singlelineedit within w_main
End type
Type cb_1 from commandbutton within w_main
End type
Type st_3 from statictext within w_main
End type
Type st_2 from statictext within w_main
End type
Type st_1 from statictext within w_main
End type
End forward

Global type w_main from window
The integer width=2238
The integer height=1322
Boolean titlebar=true
String title="QQ ZhaQun"
Boolean controlmenu=true
Boolean minbox=true
Boolean maxbox=true
Boolean the resizable=true
Long backcolor=16777215
String icon="AppIcon!"
Boolean center=true
St_4 st_4
Mle_msg mle_msg
Sle_number sle_number
Sle_name sle_name
Cb_1 cb_1
St_3 st_3
St_2 st_2
St_1 st_1
End type
Global w_main w_main

The type as
The function ulong FindWindowA (String lpClassName, String lpWindowName) Library "user32. DLL
"The function ulong FindWindowExA (long hParent, long hChildAfter, String lpszClass, String lpszWindow) Library "user32
"The function ulong SendMessageA (long HWND, long wMsg, long wParam, long lParam) Library "user32. DLL
The FUNCTION ulong ShowWindow (ulong hWnd, ulong nCmdShow) LIBRARY "user32. DLL

End as

On w_main. The create
Enclosing st_4=create st_4
Enclosing mle_msg=create mle_msg
Enclosing sle_number=create sle_number
Enclosing sle_name=create sle_name
Enclosing cb_1=create cb_1
Enclosing st_3=create st_3
Enclosing st_2=create st_2
Enclosing st_1=create st_1
This. The Control []={this st_4, & amp;
This mle_msg, & amp;
This sle_number, & amp;
This sle_name, & amp;
This cb_1, & amp;
This st_3, & amp;
This st_2, & amp;
Enclosing st_1}
End on

On w_main. Destroy
Destroy (enclosing st_4)
Destroy (enclosing mle_msg)
Destroy (enclosing sle_number)
Destroy (enclosing sle_name)
Destroy (enclosing cb_1)
Destroy (enclosing st_3)
Destroy (enclosing st_2)
Destroy (enclosing st_1)
End on

Type st_4 from statictext within w_main
The integer x=296
The integer y=1021
The integer width=457
The integer height=74
The integer textsize=- 12
The integer weight=400
Fontcharset fontcharset=ANSI!
Fontpitch fontpitch=variable!
Fontfamily fontfamily=Swiss!
String facename="Arial"
Long textcolor=33554432
Long backcolor=16777215
Boolean focusrectangle=false
End type

Type mle_msg from multilineedit within w_main
The integer x=794
The integer y=282
The integer width=1108
The integer height=461
The integer taborder=20
The integer textsize=- 12
The integer weight=400
Fontcharset fontcharset=ANSI!
Fontpitch fontpitch=variable!
Fontfamily fontfamily=Swiss!
String facename="Arial"
Long textcolor=33554432
End type

Type sle_number from singlelineedit within w_main
The integer x=794
The integer y=787
The integer width=457
The integer height=106
The integer taborder=10
The integer textsize=- 12
The integer weight=400
Fontcharset fontcharset=ANSI!
Fontpitch fontpitch=variable!
Fontfamily fontfamily=Swiss!
String facename="Arial"
Long textcolor=33554432
String text="1"
End type

Type sle_name from singlelineedit within w_main
The integer x=794
The integer y=90
The integer width=1108
The integer height=106
The integer taborder=10
The integer textsize=- 12
The integer weight=400
Fontcharset fontcharset=ANSI!
Fontpitch fontpitch=variable!
Fontfamily fontfamily=Swiss!
String facename="Arial"
Long textcolor=33554432
End type

Type cb_1 from commandbutton within w_main
The integer x=794
The integer y=995
The integer width=457
The integer height=128
The integer taborder=10
The integer textsize=- 12
The integer weight=400
Fontcharset fontcharset=ANSI!
Fontpitch fontpitch=variable!
Fontfamily fontfamily=Swiss!
String facename="Arial"
String text="QQ send"
End type

The event clicked; ULong ll_handle
String ls_null
Long ll_num

SetNull (ls_null)

Ll_handle=FindWindowA (ls_null, sle_name. Text)
St_4. Text=string (ll_handle)
If ll_handle & gt; 0 then
ShowWindow (ll_handle, 9)
For ll_num=1 to long (sle_number. Text)
//content copied clipboard
The clipboard (mle_msg. Text)
//will fill to the window in the clipboard content
SendMessageA (ll_handle, 770, 0, 0)
//simulation enter
SendMessageA (ll_handle, 256, 13, 0)
End the if

End the event

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