Home > database >  skip the split if digit follows a string to get an array in python/pyspark
skip the split if digit follows a string to get an array in python/pyspark


want to create a new column based on a string column that have as separator(" ") and skip the split if a digit followed and finally delete ";" in the end if exist using python/pyspark :

Inputs :

"511 520 NA 611;"
"322 GA 620"  
"3 321;"

expected Output :

 Column           |  new column
"511 520 NA 611;" | [511,520,NA 611]
"322 GA 620"      | [322,GA 620]
"3 321; "         | [3,321]
"334 344"         | [334,344]

try :

data = data.withColumn(
split(col("column"), "\s"))

but i get an empty string at the end of the array like here and i want to delete it if exist

 Column        |  new column
"511 520 NA 611;" | [511,520,NA,611;]
"322 GA 620"      | [322,GA,620]
"3 321;"       | [3,321;]
"334 344"      | [334,344]

CodePudding user response:

You can use regexp_replace to replace the ";" at the end of the string first, and then execute split. Regular expression ";$" indicates that match the string ends with ";".

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.functions import split, col, regexp_replace

spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()

data = [
    ("511 520 NA 611;",),
    ("322 GA 620",),
    ("3 321;",),
    ("334 344",)

df = spark.createDataFrame(data, ['column'])
df = df.withColumn("newcolumn", split(regexp_replace(col("column"), ';$', ''), "\\s"))

CodePudding user response:

As mentioned in the commends you can use regexp_extract_all together with the right regexp as shown below:

from pyspark.sql import functions as F
data = [
  ["511 520 NA 611;"],
  ["322 GA 620"],
  ["3 321;"],

df = spark.createDataFrame(data, ["value"]) 

df.withColumn("extracted_value", F.expr("regexp_extract_all(value, '(\\\d )|(\\\w \\\s\\\d )', 0)")).show()

#  --------------- ------------------ 
# |          value|   extracted_value|
#  --------------- ------------------ 
# |511 520 NA 611;|[511, 520, NA 611]|
# |     322 GA 620|     [322, GA 620]|
# |         3 321;|          [3, 321]|
# |         334344|          [334344]|
#  --------------- ------------------ 
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