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A university graduation, database can use original concept provides the sybase database the adaptive


"Database principle and application" course design of
A, curriculum design topic

Students admitted to the university management information system (
Students including students in the school roll management files, one's status as a student, achievement, etc management; Face a lot of student data, reports, manual handling has been difficult to keep up with the pace of modernization, with the rapid development of computer technology and network communication technology, many schools have good computer application, even network hardware construction foundation, thus to improve the modernization of school management and scientific level, to ensure that the information processing real-time, accurate, and to manage the students admitted to the university to develop a set of software is very important,
Should complete the main functions: (1) the student file management, namely, entry, modify, delete, query student file information, this information includes the student basic situation, resume from the student, the student awards, students punishment situation, medical students, (2) the student achievement management, input, modify, delete, query, students enrolled in each semester, each course result information, and support according to the grade, class condition such as query,

Second, the development environment
Database can use original concept provides the sybase database the adaptive server anywhere, development environment can choose: Power builder version 9.0 and above

Three, the basic requirements for
(1) to complete the problem statement mentioned all demand function
(2) the requirements document writing no less than 2500 words,
(3) in the document to include at least: E_R model graph, table, a detailed description of system function diagram,
(4) the user interface design: the window + menu type, interface friendly, operation simple,

Under the table relationships shows a sample
The table name

The field name
Data type
Meaning that a null value is
TeacherID Char (6) teacher id primary key

Char (8) the name of the teacher is not null
PS Char (10) teacher title nullable

Four, document format
1, an overview of the
Including project background, writing purpose, development environment, etc,
2, the demand analysis
The problem statement, complete functions,
Draw the ER model figure
3, the database logic design
The ER model into relational tables,
Describe the relationship between each basic table, which requires all relations to 3 nf paradigm,
Defining a view, define the index, primary key,
4, the software function design
Draw the software function diagram,
Describe each task given by a function,
Five, the conclusion
Write to complete the course design experience, grasp the relationship of database theory and software development practice, what are the harvest, the software also needs to improve, which
Five, submit documents
1, application source files, and databases, (electronic)
2, the design documentation (electronic, printed edition)

PS: please help, this is my friend a sophomore of the final exam,,, I have not learned PB he won't,, so come to ask for help

CodePudding user response:

What school, also in PB

CodePudding user response:

Students admitted to the university management information system (
Online should, under the baidu search

CodePudding user response:

There are school PB ah,,,,
The first: you can download a on the Internet, and then change can use, the second: the point of silver, you can find someone to help you do a

CodePudding user response:

reference 1st floor xuam response:
what school, also in PB

I also forgot what was the name of their school, I said your teacher really wonderful work

CodePudding user response:

refer to the second floor lsh370190322 response:

student student status management information systemOnline should, under the baidu search

Main is that we don't know - about PB

CodePudding user response:

reference lijianhe043 reply: 3/f
there are school PB ah,,,,
The first: you can download a on the Internet, and then change can use, the second: the point of silver, you can find someone to help you do a

Find the also don't know if in time, more not changed -- --

CodePudding user response:

Internet has a lot of school management, or looking for a book, take a look at the line

CodePudding user response:

. PB is taught at our school open, to be honest, PB than JAVA to learn more, in the original concept and practical tutorial (third edition) instance of a student achievement management, from building a database to build table, to build the data window, write more detail! You can consult!

CodePudding user response:

And pay the pb? Is really a wonderful work,

CodePudding user response:

so easy

CodePudding user response:

This is you meet someone else's graduation design list
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