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When using zeppelin connection with kerberos hive to make mistakes


Your bosses, the company intends to use the zeppelin as SQL query interface hive, my side development environment is to use cdh6.2.0, zeppelin 0.8.1 version is used the JDK is jdk1.8.0 _131. The connection of the hive use kerberos as the authentication, I about hive interpreter configuration below

Keytab file I've tried to use the kinit login authentication, url I also use beeline tried, also normal, but I write a simple query using hive when SQL to the following error:
 INFO [the 23:05:46 2019-07-23, 233] ({pool - 2 - thread - 2} SchedulerFactory. Java [jobFinished] : 115) - 20190722-223013 _769575118 Job finished by scheduler org. Apache. Zeppelin. Jd 
BC. JDBCInterpreter490505797
23:07:14 INFO [2019-07-23, 230] ({pool - 2 - thread - 2} SchedulerFactory. Java [jobStarted] : 109) - 20190722-223013 _769575118 Job started by the scheduler org. Apache. The zeppelin. JDBC
. JDBCInterpreter490505797
23:07:14 WARN [2019-07-23, 237] ({pool - 2 - thread - 2} JDBCInterpreter. Java [appendProxyUserToURL] : 494) - the User impersonation for hive has changed both please refer: http://zeppe
23:07:14 INFO [2019-07-23, 248] ({pool - 2 - thread - 2} JDBCSecurityImpl. Java [createSecureConfiguration] : 60) - The user has already logged in using Keytab and principal, no
The action required
23:07:14 INFO [2019-07-23, 250] ({pool - 2 - thread - 2} Utils. Java [parseURL] : 324) - Supplied authorities: sdwsmn1:10000
23:07:14 INFO [2019-07-23, 250] ({pool - 2 - thread - 2} Utils. Java [parseURL] : 443) - Resolved authority: sdwsmn1:10000
The ERROR [the 23:07:14 2019-07-23, 252] ({pool - 2 - thread - 2} TSaslTransport. Java [open] : 313) - SASL negotiation failure
Javax.mail. Security. Sasl. SaslException: GSS initiate failed [under Caused by GSSException: No valid credentials provided (Mechanism level: failed to find any Kerberos TGT)]
At com. Sun. Security. Sasl. Gsskerb. GssKrb5Client. EvaluateChallenge (GssKrb5Client. Java: 211)
The at org. Apache. Thrift. Transport. TSaslClientTransport. HandleSaslStartMessage (TSaslClientTransport. Java: 94)
At org. Apache. Thrift. Transport. TSaslTransport. Open (271) TSaslTransport. Java:
The at org. Apache. Thrift. Transport. TSaslClientTransport. Open (37) TSaslClientTransport. Java:
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Thrift. Client. TUGIAssumingTransport $1. The run (TUGIAssumingTransport. Java: 52)
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Thrift. Client. TUGIAssumingTransport $1. The run (49) TUGIAssumingTransport. Java:
The at Java. Security. The AccessController. DoPrivileged (Native Method)
At javax.mail. Security. Auth. Subject. The doAs (422) Subject. Java:
At org, apache hadoop. Security. UserGroupInformation. DoAs (UserGroupInformation. Java: 1875)
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Thrift. Client. TUGIAssumingTransport. Open (49) TUGIAssumingTransport. Java:
The at org. Apache. Hive. JDBC. HiveConnection. OpenTransport (HiveConnection. Java: 229)
The at org. Apache. Hive. JDBC. HiveConnection. & lt; init> (HiveConnection. Java: 184)
The at org. Apache. Hive. JDBC. HiveDriver. Connect (HiveDriver. Java: 107)
The at Java. SQL. DriverManager. GetConnection (DriverManager. Java: 664)
The at Java. SQL. DriverManager. GetConnection (DriverManager. Java: 208)
At org.apache.com mons. Dbcp2. DriverManagerConnectionFactory. The createConnection (DriverManagerConnectionFactory. Java: 79)
At org.apache.com mons. Dbcp2. PoolableConnectionFactory. MakeObject (PoolableConnectionFactory. Java: 205)
At org.apache.com mons. Pool2. Impl. GenericObjectPool. Create (861) GenericObjectPool. Java:
At org.apache.com mons. Pool2. Impl. GenericObjectPool. BorrowObject (GenericObjectPool. Java: 435)
At org.apache.com mons. Pool2. Impl. GenericObjectPool. BorrowObject (GenericObjectPool. Java: 363)
At org.apache.com mons. Dbcp2. PoolingDriver. Connect (PoolingDriver. Java: 129)
The at Java. SQL. DriverManager. GetConnection (DriverManager. Java: 664)
The at Java. SQL. DriverManager. GetConnection (DriverManager. Java: 270)
The at org. Apache. Zeppelin. JDBC. JDBCInterpreter. GetConnectionFromPool (JDBCInterpreter. Java: 410)
The at org. Apache. Zeppelin. JDBC. JDBCInterpreter. Access the $000 (91) JDBCInterpreter. Java:
At org. Apache. Zeppelin. JDBC. JDBCInterpreter $2. The run (459) JDBCInterpreter. Java:
At org. Apache. Zeppelin. JDBC. JDBCInterpreter $2. The run (456) JDBCInterpreter. Java:
The at Java. Security. The AccessController. DoPrivileged (Native Method)
- bash - 4.2 $vim logs/zeppelin - interpreter - hive - HDFS - sdwsdn2. Log
03:50:53 INFO [2019-07-24, 424] ({} - thread pool - 1-1 RemoteInterpreterServer. Java/shutdown, 208) - Shutting down...
03:51:02 INFO [2019-07-24, 448] ({main} RemoteInterpreterServer. Java [main] : 260) - URL: jar file:/usr/local/zeppelin - 0.8.0 - bin - all/lib/interpreter/zeppelin - interpreter - 0
. 8.0. The jar!/org/apache/zeppelin/interpreter/remote/RemoteInterpreterServer class
The INFO [the 03:51:02 2019-07-24, 519] ({main} RemoteInterpreterServer. Java [] 44330:161) - Launching ThriftServer at
The INFO [the 03:51:02 2019-07-24, 527] ({main} RemoteInterpreterServer. Java [] : 165) - Starting remote interpreter server on port 44330
03:51:02 INFO [2019-07-24, 530] ({Thread - 0} RemoteInterpreterServer. Java (run), 202) - Starting remote interpreter server on port 44330
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