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Getting NULL as XML response for SQL Query in Many to Many relationship


I have a table named ListItem and another table ListItemRelationship which holds the many-to-many relationship between the items in the ListItem table.

Example: ListItem table, ListItemGroupID is used to provide one-to-many relationship.

ListItemID ListItemCode Value ListItemGroupID
2925 Currency EURO NULL
2926 State Washington NULL
2927 City Seattle 2926
2930 City Spokane 2926
2928 Country Germany NULL
2929 Country France NULL

Example ListItemRelationship table this table is to just maintain many-to-many relationship

ListItemParentID ListItemID
2925 2928
2925 2929

Here, I am saying Euro is used by multiple countries like Germany and France.

Now, while trying to fetch all the cities in one state, my following query works,

            ListItemID AS [value],
        FROM ListItem AS [Item]
        WHERE ListCode = 'City'
            AND (ListItemGroupID = ISNULL(2926, ListItemGroupID) OR ListItemGroupID IS NULL AND 2926 IS NULL)   
        FOR XML RAW

But, to fetch the records from LisItemRelationship, I am not getting the desired result. The query I am trying is

            LIR.ListItemID AS [value],
        FROM ListItem AS [Item] INNER JOIN ListItemRelationship AS LIR ON Item.ListItemID = LIR.ListItemParentID
        WHERE ListCode = 'Country'
            AND (LIR.PickListItemParentID = 2925)   
        FOR XML RAW

I am expecting to receive following XML from 2nd query

    <row value="2928" ListItemCode="Germany"/>
    <row value="2929" ListItemCode="France"/>

What is wrong with my query?

CodePudding user response:

There seem to be a few errors in your column names. Try the following:

            LIR.ListItemID AS [value],
            Item.[Value] as ListItemCode
        FROM ListItem AS [Item]
        INNER JOIN ListItemRelationship AS LIR ON Item.ListItemID = LIR.ListItemID
        WHERE Item.ListItemCode = 'Country'
            AND (LIR.ListItemParentID = 2925)   
        FOR XML RAW
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