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Solving, OGG to add additional log at the source end, target side copy process error


Stop my operation is as follows: the source side extraction process, delete additional log, adding additional log, start pumping process
Target the replication process is then an error is as follows:
Aborting the transaction on/oradata goldengate dirdat/CG beginning at 8754 the rba seqno 4016844
The error at seqno 8754 rba 4016844
Problem replicating GS_YW. DJ_ZRRDA to GS_CXTJ. DJ_ZRRDA
The Mapping problem with compressed update record (target format)...
SJTB_SJ=2018-11-28 11:54:13. 92918

Process Abending: the 2018-11-28 11:54:13

Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle process started, group RGS_CX1 discard the file the opened: the 2018-11-28 11:54:50

The Key column DJXH (0) is missing from the update on the table GS_CXTJ. DJ_ZRRDA
Missing 1 key columns in the update for the table GS_CXTJ. DJ_ZRRDA.
Current time: 2018-11-28 11:54:51
Discarded record from the action an ABEND on error 0

Using logdmp tool to check the rba records, found missing fields, are as follows:
Logdump 158 & gt; Pos 4016844
Reading the forward from the RBA 4016844
Logdump 159 & gt; N
Hdr - Ind: E (x45) Partition: (x04)
UndoFlag: (x00) BeforeAfter: B (x42)
RecLength: 0 (x0000) IO Time: 2018/11/28 11:01:05.
015.218IOType: 15 (x0f) OrigNode: 255 (XFF)
TransInd: (x00) FormatType: R (x52)
SyskeyLen: 0 x00 (Incomplete) :. (x00)
AuditRBA: 41516 AuditPos: 182935744
Continued: N (x00) RecCount: 1 (x01)

2018/11/28 11:01:05. 015.218 FieldComp Len 0 RBA 4016844
Before the Image: the Partition of 4 G b
Bad compressed block, found length of 24 (x0018), the RBA 4016844

GGS tokens:
5200 0014 4141 4177 6 a48 4141 4 4144 5033 4 d41 b41 | R... AAAwjHAAKAADP3MA
414 c 0001 4 c00 000 3136 3232 3332 3135 3730 3034 | e AL. J. L... 162232157004
3136 3600 000 372 e c 3235 2 3137 3930 3930 | 166 e32... 7.25.2179090

Check it again the next article, this is normal:
Logdump 160 & gt; N
Hdr - Ind: E (x45) Partition: (x04)
UndoFlag: (x00) BeforeAfter: A (x41)
RecLength: 28 (x001c) IO Time: 2018/11/28 11:01:05.
015.218IOType: 15 (x0f) OrigNode: 255 (XFF)
TransInd: (x02) FormatType: R (x52)
SyskeyLen: 0 x00 (Incomplete) :. (x00)
AuditRBA: 41516 AuditPos: 182935744
Continued: N (x00) RecCount: 1 (x01)

28 the RBA 2018/11/28 11:01:05. 015.218 FieldComp Len 4016967
After the Image: the Partition of 4 G e
0001 0018 0000 0014 3230 3132 3131 3030 3030 3030 |... 201211000000
3234 3136 3434 3734 | 24164474
Column 1 (x0001), 24 (x0018)
Len0000 0014 3230 3132 3131 3030 3030 3030 3234 3136 |... 2012110000002416
3434 3734 | 4474

GGS tokens:
5200 0014 4141 4177 6 a48 4141 4 4144 5033 4 d41 b41 | R... AAAwjHAAKAADP3MA
414 c, 0001, 4601, 0001 05 | AL.. F...

Is clearly the rba records missing fields, an error in the copy process to skip the rba then will there be new rba missing fields,

Excuse me, is a problem with my operation... Add additional log in the right position?
To solve, this is to add additional problems after the log, but specific what is wrong, is not to come out,