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SQL Server Update statement in C#


I have table SelectedType with columns type_1 ... type_2_3 of datatype bit:

P_ID   type_1 type_1_1 type_1_2 type_1_3 type_2 type_2_1 type_2_2 type_2_3

 1        0      1         1       0       0       1        0        1       
 2        1      0         1       0       0       1        0        0
 3        1      0         1       0       0       1        0        0
 4        0      0         0       1       1       1        1        1
...and so on 

And JSON Array

  {"value": "type_1_1"}, {"value": "type_2_1"}, {"value": "type_2_3"}

How can I update the SQL Server table using for loop and if {"value": "type_1_1"} equals to table Column name type_1_1 then set value to 1 or if value is 1 then set to 0?

Here is what I'm trying so far:

public bool UpdatePredictSubGoalType(int id, string _selectedTypes)
        string a = "[]";
        string item = _selectedTypes;

        if (!item.Contains('[') && !item.Contains(']'))
            string c = a.Insert(1, _selectedTypes);
            item = c;

        bool res = false;

        JArray Ja = JArray.Parse(item);
        string sqlstr = "";

            using (conn = new SqlConnection(CommonDA.GetConnectionString()))
                trans = conn.BeginTransaction();

                    for (int i = 0; i <= Ja.Count - 1; i  )
                        string x = Ja[i]["value"].ToString();

                        SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
                        sqlstr = @"Update SelectedType set "  x  " = (0 or 1, i don't know how to do) where id = @id AND "   x   " = @"   x;
                        cmd.CommandText = sqlstr;
                        cmd.Transaction = trans;
                        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", id);                            



                        res = true;
                catch (Exception Err)
                    CommonLB.SystemError("Data", "SQL:"   sqlstr);
        catch (Exception Err)
            throw new ApplicationException(Err.Message, Err);

        return res;

CodePudding user response:

Assuming what I mentioned in the comments is correct (that presence of a value defines 1, absence defines 0) I think, before you set your 1s you'll need to set everything to 0, or get into having a collection of all your columns so C# can work out what should be 0..

Something like this (install Dapper to make ExecuteAsync on a connection "a thing", or expand it to "the long way"):

    using var conn = new SqlConnection(CommonDA.GetConnectionString()));

    var sql = "UPDATE t SET type_1=0, type_1_1=0, type_1_2=0, type_1_3=0, type_2=0, type_2_1=0, type_2_2=0, type_2_3=0 WHERE ID = @id";

    for (int i = 0; i <= Ja.Count - 1; i  ){
      var c = Ja[i]["value"].ToString();

      if(!Regex.IsMatch(c, @"^type_\d(_\d)?$")
      sql = sql.Replace($"{c}=0", $"{c}=1");

    await conn.ExecuteAsync(sql, new { id });

We start off by naming very column in the table, and setting it type_x_y=0. Then for every column name present in the json, we change that part of the SQL to type_x_y=1 with a bit of string replacement

The Regex is in there to guard against SQL injection attacking by the json supplier

CodePudding user response:

You can just pass the whole JSON array into SQL, and have SQL Server break it down.

  • Use OPENJSON to bring out separate rows
  • Pivot it back into a single row, each column having a 1 or 0
  • Use a combination of ISNULL and NULLIF to keep the same value
    • If you want to overwrite all columns then you can simply do type_1 = j.type_1
  type_1   = IIF(j.type_1   = 1, 1, st.type_1  ),
  type_1_1 = IIF(j.type_1_1 = 1, 1, st.type_1_1),
  type_1_2 = IIF(j.type_1_2 = 1, 1, st.type_1_2),
  type_1_3 = IIF(j.type_1_3 = 1, 1, st.type_1_3),
  type_2   = IIF(j.type_2   = 1, 1, st.type_2  ),
  type_2_1 = IIF(j.type_2_1 = 1, 1, st.type_2_1),
  type_2_2 = IIF(j.type_2_2 = 1, 1, st.type_2_2),
  type_2_3 = IIF(j.type_2_3 = 1, 1, st.type_2_3)
FROM SelectedType st
    SELECT *
    FROM OPENJSON(@json)
      WITH (value sysname) j
    PIVOT (COUNT(value) FOR value IN
        (type_1, type_1_1, type_1_2, type_1_3, type_2, type_2_1, type_2_2, type_2_3)
    ) pvt
) j
WHERE st.P_ID = @id;

Then your application code becomes very simple

public bool UpdatePredictSubGoalType(int id, string _selectedTypes)
    if (!item.StartsWith('['))
        _selectedTypes = '['   _selectedTypes;
    if (!item.EndsWith(']'))
        _selectedTypes = _selectedTypes   ']';

        const string query = @"
        using (var conn = new SqlConnection(CommonDA.GetConnectionString()))
        using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(query, conn))
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@id", SqlDbType.Int).Value = id;                            
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@json", SqlDbType.NVarChar, -1).Value = _selectedTypes;
    catch (Exception Err)
        throw new ApplicationException(Err.Message, Err);

    return true;

CodePudding user response:

Change your sql string:

str = $"Update SelectedType set [{x}] = CASE WHEN [{x}] = 0 then 1 else 0 end where id = {@id}";
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