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Setting SQL Variable via Dynamic SQL


I know I am overthinking this, but I've been banging against this for too long so I'm reaching out for help.

This is the statement I'm trying to run: SELECT @cntMax = MAX(id) FROM [Raw_Item-FieldReport] BUT, the table name is a variable @reportTable

This doesn't work:

SET @sql = 'SELECT @cntMax = MAX(id) FROM @reportTable'
EXEC sp_executesql @sql

I even tried having the actual table name in the SET @sql and that doesn't work either. I didn't think it would be this difficult, please tell me I'm missing something easy/obvious.

Here's the full bit of code for those who want it:

    @inTable nvarchar(255) = 'Raw_Item',
    @reportTable nvarchar(255),
    @fieldName nvarchar(255),
    @cnt int,
    @cntMax int,
    @sql nvarchar(max)

SET @reportTable = @inTable   '-FieldReport'

SET @cnt = 1
SELECT @cntMax = MAX(id) FROM [Raw_Item-FieldReport]
PRINT @cntMax
SET @cntMax = 0

SET @sql = 'SELECT @cntMax = MAX(id) FROM [Raw_Item-FieldReport]'
EXEC sp_executesql @sql
PRINT @cntMax

SQL Server 12.0.2008.8 (on Azure)

CodePudding user response:

You need to use an output parameter, otherwise SQL Server has no idea how to connect @cntMax in the dynamic SQL to @cntMax not in the dynamic SQL, since they are different scopes. And to protect yourself from SQL injection (some tips here and here), always check that your object exists, and use QUOTENAME() as opposed to manually adding square brackets (and you should always use QUOTENAME() when building object names from user input or variables, even when they don't have bad characters like dashes):

DECLARE @sql         nvarchar(max),
        @inTable     nvarchar(255) = N'Raw_Item',
        @reportTable nvarchar(255);

SET @reportTable = N'dbo.'   QUOTENAME(@inTable   '-FieldReport');

  SET @sql = N'SELECT @cntMax = MAX(id) FROM '   @reportTable   N';';

  EXEC sys.sp_executesql @sql,
           N'@cntMax int output', 
           @cntMax = @cntMax OUTPUT;

  PRINT @cntMax;
  PRINT 'Nice try, h@xx0rs!';

Always use schema reference (dbo), always use statement terminators, and please try to avoid naming things with invalid identifier characters like dash (-). And one additional tip: always use N prefix on N'nvarchar string literals'.

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