ole_1.object.ComOle_1. Object. Settings=(1200, O, 7, 1)
Ole_1. Object. InputLen=0
Ole_1. Object. An InputMode=0
Ole_1. Object. PortOpen=True
Receiving most of the electronic balance weight is normal (e.g., 0.2456 kG), but there is a small amount of weight received only half of it (e.g., 56 kG) (account for around 2% of overall - 3 #)
Ls_data= (ole_1. Object. Input)
Here to add a breakpoint
Found in receiving is over (56 KG) of abnormal
Hope ace glad! Thank you for the
CodePudding user response:
Buffer is full?CodePudding user response:
CodePudding user response:
Try this user response:
Set the buffer larger try mport=Integer (ls_commport, 1) (right)
Ole_1. Object. Settings='9600, n, 8, 1//9600 baud rate, data bits 8 bits, parity, stop bits 1
Ole_1. Object. InBufferCount=0//clear the receive buffer
Ole_1. Object. InputLen=0//read the entire buffer content
Ole_1. Object. InBufferSize=1024//receive buffer 1024 bytes
Ole_1. Object. RThreshold=100
Ole_1. Object. Outbuffercount=0
Ole_1. Object. OutBufferSize=512
Ole_1. Object. SThreshold=1
Ole_1. Object. PortOpen=true
CodePudding user response: