When data frame containing week_days
are plotted on ggplot2 or visualized in a table, the week days go from left to right on the axis/table alphabetically, starting from Friday. This can be manually configured by setting factor(week_days, levels= c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday")
. (There might be a better way that I don't know.) I'm trying figure out a similar solution when plotting coordinate_IDs
that contain latitudes and longitudes in a direction-wise manner along the axis.
pacman::p_load(tidyverse, leaflet)
ID <- as.factor(as.character(1:9))
Lat <- as.numeric(c("33.55302", "33.55282", "33.55492", "33.55498", "33.55675", "33.55653", "33.55294", "33.55360", "33.55287"))
Long <- as.numeric(c("-112.0910", "-112.0741", "-112.0458", "-112.0459", "-112.0414", "-112.0420", "-112.0869", "-112.0526", "-112.0609"))
Value <- 11:19
test_df <- data.frame(ID, Lat, Long, Value)
test_df %>%
leaflet() %>%
addTiles() %>%
addMarkers(., lng = Long, lat = Lat,
label = ~ID)
As you can see, the ID on the eastern-most end is 5, the western-most 1, with 6, 3, 4, 8, 9, 2, and 7 in between from the east. Also, a few pairs of the IDs are very close to each other.
test_df %>%
geom_point(aes(x = ID, y = Value))
When plotting on ggplot2, the ID values on the x-axis go from 9 to 1 in east-west direction.
But I want this to follow the 5, 6, 3, 4, 8, 9, 2, 7, 1 pattern in the axis from right to left—something like this:
Here's what I tried for the aforementioned plot:
test_df %>%
mutate(ID = factor(ID, levels = c("1","7","2","9","8","4","3","6","5"))) %>%
geom_point(aes(x = ID, y = Value))
I don't want to do this manually by setting the levels when plotting, say, 100 IDs along a corridor. So, perhaps writing a function would be a more efficient approach. All I could come up with is a pseudo-code, but there might be a much simpler way to approach this problem?
getDirectionalLevels <- function(test_df, direction){
grab(Lat, Long) %>%
mutate(id_direction = sort(direction)) %>%
mutate(ID = factor(ID, levels = id_direction))
CodePudding user response:
ID <- as.factor(as.character(1:9))
Lat <- as.numeric(c("33.55302", "33.55282", "33.55492", "33.55498", "33.55675", "33.55653", "33.55294", "33.55360", "33.55287"))
Long <- as.numeric(c("-112.0910", "-112.0741", "-112.0458", "-112.0459", "-112.0414", "-112.0420", "-112.0869", "-112.0526", "-112.0609"))
Value <- 11:19
test_df <- data.frame(ID, Lat, Long, Value)
It seems as if you wanted to sort the ID
along the Long
test_df %>%
mutate(ID = factor(ID, levels = test_df[order(test_df$Long), "ID"])) %>%
geom_point(aes(x = ID, y = Value))
test_df %>%
mutate(ID = factor(ID, levels = test_df %>% arrange(Long) %>% select(ID) %>% unlist())) %>%
geom_point(aes(x = ID, y = Value))
Both return: