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How to match array with onther array inside an object ? (Js)


begginer developer (JS,ReactNative) . i want to match an array of ingridients thats passed to the function as a parameter to extricate the recipies thats match . iv'e tryied diffrent functions like map and filter but without succsess . i need to use PureJs function .

Example :

             Ingridients = ['eggs', 'lemon']   ----->   (Passed as a parameter)

             Recipies = [
                            _recipieName:"Eggs and Lemon",
                            _recipieName:"Onther Recipie",

                i need that result-->

                     NewArray = [
                            _recipieName:"Eggs and Lemon",


CodePudding user response:

You should try something like that:

const availableReciepes = Recipies.reduce((result, reciepe)=>{
    let hasAllIngredients = Ingridients.reduce((carry, ingredient)=>{
            returnn false;
        return carry;
    }, true);


    return result;
}, []);

Basically, for every recipe, check if you have all the ingredients, then adds it to the reduce carry.

CodePudding user response:

You can put the ingredients into Set to compare them efficiently, for example

const recipies = [
    _recipieName:"Eggs and Lemon",
    _recipieName:"Onther Recipie",
    _recipieName:"Eggs with Cheese Recipie",
    _recipieIngridients:["eggs", "cheese"]

function filterByIngridients(recipies, ingridients, howMatch = 'every') {
  const set = new Set(ingridients);
  return recipies.filter((r) => {
    return r._recipieIngridients[howMatch]((r) => set.has(r));

Now you can match every ingredient

let output = filterByIngridients(recipies, ['eggs', 'lemon']);


    _id: 1,
    _recipieName: 'Eggs and Lemon',
    _recipieIngridients: [ 'eggs', 'lemon' ]

Or some ingredients

output = filterByIngridients(recipies, ['eggs', 'lemon'], 'some');


    _id: 1,
    _recipieName: 'Eggs and Lemon',
    _recipieIngridients: [ 'eggs', 'lemon' ]
    _id: 2,
    _recipieName: 'Eggs with Cheese Recipie',
    _recipieIngridients: [ 'eggs', 'cheese' ]

CodePudding user response:

This can achieved by doing the following

Exact match:

const matchRecipe = (ingredients) => 
      .filter(r => r._recipieIngridients.length === ingredients.length && r._recipieIngridients.every((ingredient, index) => ingredient === ingredients[index]))

Here, I'm filtering the recipies using filter, and as a predicate, I'm using every to check that each element inside the _recipieIngridients matches each element inside ingredients by using the index that is taken as a second argument from the every function

If you don't need it to match the position of the element, you can sort both ingredients so that they should all match whatever the previous order is

A more simplified version without using nested prototype functions:

const matchRecipe = (ingredients) => Recipes.filter(recipe => {
  if (ingredients.length !== recipe._recipieIngridients) return false
  // Sort both if needed
  for (let i = 0; i < recipe._recipieIngridients.length; i  ) {
    if (recipe._recipieIngridients[i] !== ingredients[i]) return false
  return false

Hope you find this helpful

Edit (1) For your comment, if you want partial matching, you can do the following

const matchRecipe = (ingredients) => 
      .filter(r => r._recipieIngridients.length === ingredients.length && r._recipieIngridients.some((ingredient) => ingredients.include(ingredient)))

The prototype function some will return true once any of the elements match any of the ingredients by using the include function

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