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0 racle 11 g installed out of the question, how also not solve, beg god for help


Information: the INFO: Registering the flow data beans
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_RACInstall 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' CLUSTER_NODES 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_OSDBA 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_OSOPER 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_db_GlobalDBName 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_db_SID 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_db_StorageType 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_db_InstallOption 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_db_CustomInstall 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_db_SystemClass 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_db_QuickInstallOption 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_db_AllocatedMemory 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_db_AutoMemoryOption 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_db_ConfigurationType 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_db_EMCentralAgentSelected 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_db_MountPointLocation 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_db_LaunchDBCA 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_db_SecureConfigDisabled 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_db_EnableAutoBackup 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_db_LoadExampleSchemas' values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_db_ReceiveEmailNotification 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_db_UseDBControl 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_db_UseFileSystemForRecovery 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_db_UseSamePassword 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_LaunchNetCA 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_db_LaunchODMA 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_NoMigration 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_RDBMSInstalling 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_db_SetOracleBase 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes'. Oracle install. Db. IsCCRAuthenticationUsed 'value,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_client_OraMTSPortNumber 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_db_ConfigTabSelected 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_db_CharSetOption 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_db_Type 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_db_InstallOptionSelected 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_db_DiskGroupNameForASM 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_db_EMEmailAddress 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_db_EMSMTPServer 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_db_RecoveryBackUpPassword 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_db_RecoveryBackUpLocation 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_db_RecoveryBackUpUsername 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_db_SuperAdminSamePasswdForAll 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_db_ASMSNMPUserPassword 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_db_SuperAdminPasswords' values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_db_InstallEdition 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_db_CharacterSet 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_db_DiskGroupName 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_OCR_PartitionLocation 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_db_InstallType 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' INSTALL_TYPE 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_db_StarterDatabaseType 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' oracle_install_db_CustomComponents' values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' ORACLE_HOME 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' ORACLE_BASE 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' FROM_LOCATION 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' TOPLEVEL_COMPONENT 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' TopLevelComponentVersion 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' b_rdbmsInstall 'values,
Information: the INFO: [INS - 07001] in BeanStore couldn't find the attributes' INVENTORY_LOCATION 'values,
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