I have a simple query: given a node A, count the number of nodes that node A has outgoing links, then set that number as a property of A. However I just can't do it.
Attempt 1
MATCH (n)-->(m)
SET n.out=count(m)
RETURN n.name,n.out
This yields the error:
Invalid use of aggregating function count(...) in this context (line 2, column 11 (offset: 28))
"set n.out=count(m)"
Attempt 2
MATCH (n)-->(m)
WITH count(m) AS o
SET n.out=o
RETURN n.name,n.out
This yields the error:
Variable `n` not defined (line 3, column 5 (offset: 43))
"SET n.out=o"
In both times the errors are in the SET clause. But reading the documentation for SET
I cannot identify why these happen.
I cannot count the links because for one pair of n, m there maybe several link types.
CodePudding user response:
You can achieve the desired outcome with the following query:
WITH size((n)-->()) as out, n
SET n.out = out
RETURN n.name, n.out