1009 other monetary funds
| __100901 outgoing deposits
| __100902 cashier order| __100903 100903
Like this effect in the treeview type of data window is how to get?
CodePudding user response:
Data source columns: level 1 course, level 1 course name, secondary subjects, secondary course name, tertiary course,,,,,,, sort by level course, secondary course, level 3 subjects,,,And then establish a group, respectively according to the level of subject, secondary subjects, tertiary course,
It is ok, faults is the number of clusters is fixed,
Suggest still use the treeview to do it
CodePudding user response:
To do a tree data window, study theTree of data window, need group, according to subjects (four) group, and then add the subject name
The study, it is easy to implement
CodePudding user response:
My software is such a moment inside, use the treeview + datastore implementation,