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Excel Finding matching values in a column and comparing the values in another column to one another


EDIT I have to accomplish this in Excel 2016 so I don't have access to Unique or Filter Functions

I have a table that contains a list of names and addresses and other information. I want to identify instances where the street address is used more than once, and then compare all the instances of the street address to return a “Match” or “Alert” if the last names of the people at the address do or don’t match.

I created a CountIf Column to identify entries that need to be compared, and a column to pull just the last name. =COUNTIF([Street],[@[Street]])

=LEFT([@Name],(FIND(" ",[@Name],1)-1))

How can I compare the last names of everyone living at the same address?

Is there a way to use the Filter function here, or will I need VBA?

ID#s Name Last Name Result Street Street Count
1 Brown Bob Brown Address 1 2
2 Brown Sue Brown Address 1 2
3 Green Adam Green Address 2 2
4 Chruchill John Chruchill Address 2 2
5 Smith Gary Smith Address 3 3
6 Smith Lisa Smith Address 3 3
7 Parker Peter Parker Address 4 1
8 Parker Lewis Parker Address 4 1
9 Smith Evan Smith Address 3 3

CodePudding user response:

This formula returns:

  • Ok if the [Street] is unique (change as required)

  • Match if the [Street] is not unique and all the [Last Name] for that [Street] are the same.

  • Alert if the [Street] is not unique and not all the [Last Name] for that [Street] are the same.

    = IF( COUNTIF( [Street], [@Street] ) = 1, "Ok",
     IF( COUNTIF( [Street], [@Street] ) 
     = COUNTIFS( [Street], [@Street], [Last Name], [@[Last Name]] ), "Match", "Alert" ) )

enter image description here

CodePudding user response:


Result:  =IF(COUNTA(UNIQUE(FILTER([Last Name],[Street]=@[Street])))=1,"Match","Alert")

enter image description here

Edit: If you only have Excel 2016, try:

=IF(COUNTIFS([Street],[@Street],[Last Name],[@[Last Name]])=COUNTIF([Street],[@Street]),"Match","Alert")
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