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Can I have multi-order index for composite/multi-column index in MySQL?


I have an invoices table like this:

| id   | client_id | is_recurring |
|----- |-----------| -------------|
| 1    | 2121      | 0            |
| 2    | 7434      | 1            |

Now throughout my application, I might have following queries:

select * from invoices where client_id = 2121 and is_recurring = 0;


select * from invoices where is_recurring = 0 and client_id = 2121;

or any other order of where clause.

I already have index on client_id an is_recurring separately.

But for composite index, should I create composite index on




or Both?

Note that both are in different order. So for performance of different order searches? should I created composite index with multiple order/direction?

Update: Also if I have a date column which I will use for comparing greater or less or order by, what combinations of composite indexes I should use?

CodePudding user response:

As a rough rule of thumb, you might expect better performance in a two column index by placing the more restrictive (higher cardinality) column first. So, I would suggest:

CREATE INDEX ON invoices compost_index (client_id, is_recurring)

This index, if used, would let MySQL discard a large portion of the index just by filtering by the client_id. The is_recurring column, on the other hand, presumably only takes on the two values of 0 and 1. So, filtering by this might not allow for many records to be discarded when scanning the index.

CodePudding user response:

Either WHERE order;
Either INDEX order - regardless of cardinality; see proof
That is, either WHERE is handled equally well by either INDEX.
Neither single-column index - They may get in the way.

Meanwhile, the composite index also handles the corresponding single-column need. That is, INDEX(a,b) takes care of cases where INDEX(a) is needed, but not where INDEX(b) is needed.

For this:

 where client_id = 2121 and is_recurring = 0 and date > '2021-04-28';

a new rule is used:

INDEX(client_id, is_recurring,  -- in either order
      date)                     -- then the range test

That is, put all columns tested with = (or IS NULL) first; then you get one chance to add a range test.

where client_id = 2121 and date > '2021-04-28' -- (client_id, date)
where client_id = 2121 order by date > '2021-04-28'
          -- also (client_id, date), but now the order is required
where client_id = 2121
  and date > '2021-04-28'
  order by date    -- again (client_id, date), specific ordering
where client_id = 2121
  and is_recurring = 0
  and date > '2021-04-28';  -- back to the 3-column one above

An = test is one thing; all inequality tests are "range".

More: http://mysql.rjweb.org/doc.php/index_cookbook_mysql

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