Sometimes, sometimes can't use, how to return a responsibility
CodePudding user response:
Can tnsping ping? Try to see what is there a firewall off?
CodePudding user response:
Can tnsping tong, firewall also closed, still won't do
CodePudding user response:
Grant dba to user
CodePudding user response:
I also met this problem, after the teacher with a touchscreen software today, appears the question, but the database connection is no problem, just login PLSQL, novice ask why,
CodePudding user response:
Looks like the machine runs the setup_cq_ora_user_clob.sql file permissions have caused problems
CodePudding user response:
reference 4 floor xflr_Andrew response: I also encountered this problem, after the teacher with a touchscreen software today, appears the question, but the database connection is no problem, just login PLSQL, novice inquired why, did you good, I also like this CodePudding user response:
Have a great god, meet the same problem CodePudding user response:
refer to 6th floor qq_36961599 response: Quote: refer to 4th floor xflr_Andrew response: I also met this problem, after the teacher with a touchscreen software today, appears the question, but the database connection is no problem, just login PLSQL, novice inquired why, did you good, I also am such Modify the listener file, as shown in figure, the former is the database name, and then log in, CodePudding user response:
refer to the eighth floor xflr_Andrew response: Quote: refer to the sixth floor qq_36961599 response: Quote: refer to 4th floor xflr_Andrew response: I also met this problem, after the teacher with a touchscreen software today, appears the question, but the database connection is no problem, just login PLSQL, novice inquired why, did you good, I also am such Modify the listener file, as shown in figure, the former is the database name, and then landed, do not need to select the database, but direct landfall CodePudding user response:
references 9 f xflr_Andrew response: Quote: refer to the eighth floor xflr_Andrew response: Quote: refer to the sixth floor qq_36961599 response: Quote: refer to 4th floor xflr_Andrew response: I also met this problem, after the teacher with a touchscreen software today, appears the question, but the database connection is no problem, just login PLSQL, novice inquired why, did you good, I also am such Modify the listener file, as shown in figure, the former is the database name, and then landed, do not need to select the database, but direct landfall A firewall or 360 CodePudding user response:
references to the tenth floor sxq129601 response: Quote: references 9 f xflr_Andrew response: Quote: refer to the eighth floor xflr_Andrew response: Quote: refer to the sixth floor qq_36961599 response: Quote: refer to 4th floor xflr_Andrew response: I also met this problem, after the teacher with a touchscreen software today, appears the question, but the database connection is no problem, just login PLSQL, novice inquired why, did you good, I also am such Modify the listener file, as shown in figure, the former is the database name, and then landed, do not need to select the database, but direct landfall A firewall or 360 my firewall has been closed, 360 is exit status, CodePudding user response:
360 killing Trojan restoration zone oracle all the files in the folder, and restart the computer, CodePudding user response:
I met the same problem as the original poster 12546 access denied, no matter sys user or new admin, so if the login page can login database is empty. But the use of SQL plus can login The building Lord solved this problem, please you bother to guide CodePudding user response:
In the server address is changed, tnsnames. Ora database server address, if any, amend the address to the latest server address,