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MongoDB create an array within an array


I am struggling to get my head around MongoDB and aggregates and groups. I've spent about 3 days so far.

I have source data that looks like...

   "formName" : "my form",
   "updatedAt" : "2021-11-02T13:29:00.123Z",
   "formName" : "another form",
   "lastUpdated" : "2021-10-01T13:29:00.123123",

Note that there are potentially different date names, though these are the only differences.

I am attempting to achieve an output of...

    "_id": null,
    "text": "my form",  (NOTE: This is the formName)
    "children": [{
       "text" : 2021, (This is the year part of the updated)
       "children" : [
          {"text" : 1}, (These are the month part of the updated)
          {"text" : 2},
          {"text" : 3},
          {"text" : 4}

So, basically a tree, which has formName, with child branch of years, with child branch of months.

I have tried all kinds of things, many don't work, such as nested $addToSet inside $groups.

I have been close, but I can't solve it.

This is the closest, but this doesn't work.

db.FormsStore.aggregate( [
  {$match:{myKey:"a guid to group my forms together"}},
  {$project: {formName:1, lastUpdated:1, updatedAt:1}},
    $group: { 
      _id:   { formName: "$formName" }, 
      Year: {$addToSet: {$year: {$dateFromString: { dateString: "$lastUpdated" }}}},
      Month: {$addToSet: {$month: {$dateFromString: { dateString: "$lastUpdated" }}}},
    $group: {
      _id: { formName: "$_id.formName" }, 
     Time: {$addToSet: {year: "$Year", month: "$Month"}}

The output from that is showing...

    _id: { formName: 'One of my forms' },
    Time: [
        year: [ 2021 ],
        month: [ 10, 11 ] 

This will all be used in C#

Your help would be greatly appreciated.

CodePudding user response:


  • adds a new field "date" with the date on Date format
  • group first the more specific (formname year) to put the months in the array
  • group then the less specific (formname) to put the years in the array

Test code here

        ["$updatedAt", {"$dateFromString": {"dateString": "$updatedAt"}},
          {"$dateFromString": {"dateString": "$lastUpdated"}}]},
      "updatedAt": "$$REMOVE",
      "lastUpdated": "$$REMOVE"}},
    {"_id": {"text": "$formName", "year": {"$year": "$date"}},
      "children": {"$push": {"text": {"$month": "$date"}}}}},
    {"_id": "$_id.text",
      {"$push": {"text": "$_id.year", "children": "$children"}}}},
  {"$set": {"text": "$_id", "_id": "$$REMOVE"}}])

CodePudding user response:

I continued to work on it, and while this is also not quite right (yet), here is what I came up with.

  {$project: {formName:1, lastUpdated:1, updatedAt:1}},
    $group: { 
      _id: {formName: "$formName", Year: {$year: {$dateFromString: { dateString: "$updatedAt" }}}, Month: {$month: {$dateFromString: { dateString: "$updatedAt" }}}},
    $group: {
        _id: {formName: "$_id.formName", Year: "$_id.Year"}, 
        Months: {$addToSet: {Text: "$_id.Month"}}
    $group: {
        _id:  "$_id.formName", Children: {$addToSet: {Text: "$_id.Year", Children: "$Months"}}, 

Getting all my data in the first group, then creating a set with the months in the second group, then creating a set with the years and adding the months to each year in the third group.

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