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Does the .equals() method of the double wrapper class work for finding equality of floating point nu


I know that for primitive floating point types (floats and doubles), you're not supposed to compare them directly via ==. But what if you're using the wrapper class for double? Will something like

Double a = 5.05;
Double b = 5.05; 
boolean test = a.equals(b);

compare the two values properly?

CodePudding user response:

You need to fully understand the reason for why == comparison is a bad idea. Without understanding, you're just fumbling in the dark.

Let's talk about how computers (and doubles) work.

Imagine you enter a room; it has 3 lightswitches, otherwise it is bare. You will enter the room, you can fiddle with the switches, but then you have to leave. I enter the room later and can look at the switches.

How much information can you convey?

The answer is: You can convey 8 different states: DDD, DDU, DUD, DUU, UDD, UDU, UUD, and UUU. That's it.

Computers work exactly like this when they store a double. Except instead of 3 switches, you get 64 switches. That means 2^64 different states you can convey with a single double, and that's a ton of states: That's a 19 digit number.

But it's still a finite amount of states, and that's problematic: There are an infinite amount of numbers between 0 and 1. Let alone between -infinity and infinity, which double dares to cover. How do you store one of an infinite infinity of choices when you only get to represent 2^64 states? That 19-digit number starts to look pretty small when it's tasked to differentiate from an infinite infinity of possibilities, doesn't it?

The answer, of course, is that this is completely impossible.

So doubles don't actually work like that. Instead, someone took some effort and hung up a gigantic numerline, from minus infinite to plus infinite, in a big room, and threw 2^64 darts at this line. The numbers they landed on are the 'blessed numbers' - these are representable by a double value. That does mean there are an infinite amount of numbers between any 2 darts that therefore are not representable. The darts aren't quite random: The closer you are to 0, the denser the darts. Once you get beyond about 2^52 or so, the distance between 2 darts exceeds 1.0 even.

Here's a trivial example of a non-representable number: 0.3. Amazing, isn't it? Something that simple. It means a computer literally cannot calculate 0.1 0.2 using double. So what happens when you try? The rules state that the result of any calculation is always silently rounded to the nearest blessed number.

And therein lies the rub: You can run the math:

double x = 0.1   0.2;

and later do:

double y = 0.9 - 0.8   0.15   0.05;

and us humans would immediately notice that x and y are naturally identical. But not so for computers - because of that silent rounding to the nearest blessed number, it's possible that x is 0.29999999999999999785, and y is 0.300000000000000000012.

Thus we get to four crucial aspects when using double (or float which is just about worse in every fashion, don't ever use those):

  • If you need absolute precision, don't use them at all.
  • When printing them, always round them down. System.out.println does this out of the box, but you should really use .printf("%.5f") or similar: Pick the # of digits you need.
  • Be aware that the errors will compound, and it gets worse as you are further away from 1.0.
  • Do not ever compare with ==, instead always use a delta-compare: The notion of "lets consider the 2 numbers equal if they are within 0.0000000001 of each other".

There is no universal magic delta value; it depends on your precision needs, how far you away from 1.0, etc. Therefore, just asking the computer: Hey, just figure this stuff out I just wanna know if these 2 doubles are equal is impossible. The only definition available that doesn't require your input as to 'how close' they can be, is the notion of sheer perfection: They are equal only if they are precisely identical. This definition would fail you in that trivial example above. It makes not one iota of difference if you use Double.equals instead of double == double, or any other utility class for that matter.

So, no, Double.equals is not suitable. You will have to compare Math.abs(d1 - d2) < epsilon, where epsilon is your choice. Mostly, if equality matters at all you're already doing it wrong and shouldn't be using double in the first place.

NB: When representing money, you don't want unpredictable rounding, so never use doubles for these. Instead figure out what the atomic banking unit is (dollarcents, eurocents, yen, satoshis for bitcoin, etc), and store that as a long. You store $4.52 and long x = 452;, not as double x = 4.52;.

CodePudding user response:

It depends on how you use the decimal, if you use decimal like this in the example, you can use this function which is more accurate:

Double a = 5.05;
Double b = 5.05; 
double epsilon = 0.000001d;
boolean test=Math.abs(a - b) < epsilon;
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