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Calculate Total per pax excluding the row that has 0 in the column


I have 2 tables, Tbl1 and Tbl2 :


ID  Col1    Col2    Sold    Total
1    AA               0      100
1    BB     CC        2      200
1    DD     EE        3      300
2    FF     GG        1      100


ID   Sold   Total    TotalPerPax

I need to calculate the TotalPerPax in Tbl2 depending on the ID But the calculation of the TotalPerPax is like this. Example:

ID = 1
Sold: 0   2   3 = 5
Total = 100   200   300 = 600
TotalPerPax = (Total  minus the Total of the row that has 0 sold  / Sold )
              (600 -100 ) / 5 =   500

The output should look like this Tbl2:

ID  Sold    Total    TotalPerPax
1    5       600       100  -- (500 Total / 5 Sold)
2    1       100       100

So far I have this: When executing it throws an error "Divide by zero error encountered" thus I can't compute the totalPerPax correctly. Can anyone can help me to with this? Thanks

    SUM(COALESCE(Total, 0))/SUM(COALESCE(Sold, 0)) As TotalPerPax
FROM Tbl1 t1
Where ID = 1
GROUP BY ID, Col1, Col2,Sold, Total
<iframe name="sif1" sandbox="allow-forms allow-modals allow-scripts" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Sample sql fiddle: screen capture from demo link below


The CASE expression for TotalPerPax uses logic which does not include any total or sold amount when the latter happens to be zero. As a note, for any ID which only might have zero sold amounts, TotalPerPax would be reported as zero.

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