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How do I handle this duplicate code that map an object and change the values inside


I have a function that runs over an array of objects to find the object that needed to be modify and modify it.

For example, I have this function:

return state.map((item)=>item.name === payload.name ?
} : item)

return state.map((item)=>item.name === payload.name ? {...item, bar:payload.value} : item)

I think I have here a redundant code but I don't know how to extract the duplicate code to a function and use it there.

I've created code example: https://codesandbox.io/embed/js-playground-forked-tuz2p?fontsize=14&hidenavigation=1&theme=dark


I expect to use one function that called for example changeColor(array, "bike", "frontWheel","red") and changeColor(array, "bike", "backWheel","red") and will use the same code instead of two seperate functions.

const changePrimaryColor = (state, payload) => {
  return state.map((item) =>
    item.name === payload.itemName
      ? {
          colors: [
            ...item.colors.map((color) => ({
              primary: payload.value
      : item

const changeSecondaryColor = (state, payload) => {
  return state.map((item) =>
    item.name === payload.itemName
      ? {
          colors: [
            ...item.colors.map((color) => ({
              secondary: payload.value
      : item

const changeFrontWheelColor = (state, payload) => {
  return state.map((item) =>
    item.name === payload.itemName
      ? {
          wheelColors: [
            ...item.wheelColors.map((wheelColor) => ({
              backWheels: payload.value
      : item

a simpler code example: https://codesandbox.io/embed/js-playground-forked-tuz2p?fontsize=14&hidenavigation=1&theme=dark

CodePudding user response:

const state = [
    name: "item1",
    foo: [
      { fooX: "fooX1", fooY: "fooY1" },
      { fooX: "fooX2", fooY: "fooY2" }
    baz: [
      { x: "x1", y: "y1" },
      { x: "x2", y: "y2" }
    name: "item2",
    foo: [
      { fooX: "fooX1", fooY: "fooY1" },
      { fooX: "fooX2", fooY: "fooY2" }
    baz: [
      { x: "x1", y: "y1" },
      { x: "x2", y: "y2" }
    name: "item3",
    foo: [
      { fooX: "fooX1", fooY: "fooY1" },
      { fooX: "fooX2", fooY: "fooY2" }
    baz: [
      { x: "x1", y: "y1" },
      { x: "x2", y: "y2" }
 * key = "foo" || "baz"
 * dimention = "x" || "y"
const updateFn = (state, payload,key, dimention) => {
  return state.map((item) =>
    item.name === payload.itemName
      ? {
          [key]: [
            ...item[key].map((item) => ({
              ...(key === "baz" && dimention === "x" && { x: payload.value }  ),
              ...(key === "baz" && dimention === "y" && { y: payload.value }),
              ...(key === "foo" && dimention === "x" && { fooX: payload.value }  ),
              ...(key === "foo" && dimention === "y" && { fooY: payload.value })
      : item

console.log(updateFn(state, { itemName: "item2", value: 15 },"foo", "y"));
<iframe name="sif1" sandbox="allow-forms allow-modals allow-scripts" frameborder="0"></iframe>

CodePudding user response:

const state = [
    name: "item1",
    foo: [
      { fooX: "fooX1", fooY: "fooY1" },
      { fooX: "fooX2", fooY: "fooY2" }
    baz: [
      { x: "x1", y: "y1" },
      { x: "x2", y: "y2" }
    name: "item2",
    foo: [
      { fooX: "fooX1", fooY: "fooY1" },
      { fooX: "fooX2", fooY: "fooY2" }
    baz: [
      { x: "x1", y: "y1" },
      { x: "x2", y: "y2" }
    name: "item3",
    foo: [
      { fooX: "fooX1", fooY: "fooY1" },
      { fooX: "fooX2", fooY: "fooY2" }
    baz: [
      { x: "x1", y: "y1" },
      { x: "x2", y: "y2" }

const changes = (state, payload) => {
  return state.map((item) =>
  item.name === payload.itemName
    ? {
        foo: [
          ...item.foo.map((fooItem) => ({
            fooY: payload.value
    : item

const changeFooY = (state, payload) => {
  return changes(state,payload);

console.log(changeFooY(state, { itemName: "item2", value: 15 }));
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