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count how many times a row appears in a different dataset


I have two datasets df1 and df2

P1 <- c('A', 'A', 'B', NA)
P2 <- c('B', NA, 'B', 'B')
P3 <- c('A', 'B', 'B', 'A')
P4 <- c('A', 'B', NA, 'B')
P5 <- c(NA, NA, NA, 'B')

df1 <- data.frame(P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, row.names = NULL)

enter image description here

[![enter image description here][2]][2]P1 <- c('A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'A')
P2 <- c('B', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'A', 'B')
P3 <- c('A', 'B', 'B', 'A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'A')
P4 <- c('A', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'A', 'B', 'A', 'B')
P5 <- c('B', 'B','B', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'A', 'B')

df2 <- data.frame(P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, row.names = NULL)

enter image description here

I need to count how many times each row from df1 appears in df2. If a value in df1 is NA, it can be both A and B in the df2. So for example, row #4 from df1 will be counted as rows #4 and #8 in df2.

CodePudding user response:

You may try

row_appears <- c()
for (i in 1:nrow(df1)){
  x <- df1[i,]
  y <- df1[i,]
  x[is.na(x)] <- "A"
  y[is.na(y)] <- "B"
  z <- sum(apply(df2, 1, function(t) all(x == t))   apply(df2, 1, function(t) all(y == t)))
  row_appears <- c(row_appears, z)

[1] 2 1 2 2

CodePudding user response:

Alternatively, we can treat is as a character match question, converting both data frames into character vectors, and treating NA as possibly A or B.

df1[is.na(df1)] <- "(A|B)" # regex talk for "might be A or B"

x <- do.call(paste, c(df1, sep = ""))
y <- do.call(paste, c(df2, sep = ""))

x |>
  lapply(\(.) stringi::stri_count_regex(y, .)) |>
  lapply(sum) |>
  unlist(use.names = F)

#> [1] 2 1 2 2

CodePudding user response:

You can also use {tidyverse} or {data.table}.

df3 <- bind_rows(
  df1 |> mutate(across(everything(), replace_na, "A")),
  df1 |> mutate(across(everything(), replace_na, "B"))

df2 |> 
  group_by_all() |> 
  summarise(N = n(), .groups = "drop") |> 
  right_join(df3, by = paste0("P", 1:5)) |> 
  mutate(N = replace_na(N, 0))

# # A tibble: 8 x 6
# P1    P2    P3    P4    P5        N
# <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
# 1 A     B     A     A     B         2
# 2 A     B     A     B     B         1
# 3 A     B     B     B     B         1
# 4 B     B     A     B     B         1
# 5 B     B     B     B     B         2
# 6 A     B     A     A     A         0
# 7 A     A     B     B     A         0
# 8 B     B     B     A     A         0


df1_a <- df1_b <- copy(df1)
df1_a[is.na(df1_a)] <- "A"
df1_b[is.na(df1_b)] <- "B"
df3 <- rbindlist(list(df1_a, df1_b))

df4 <- 
  df2[, .N, by = eval(paste0("P", 1:5))
  ][df3, on = paste0("P", 1:5)]

df4[, N := fifelse(is.na(N), 0, N)][]

#    P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 N
# 1:  A  B  A  A  A 0
# 2:  A  A  B  B  A 0
# 3:  B  B  B  A  A 0
# 4:  A  B  A  B  B 1
# 5:  A  B  A  A  B 2
# 6:  A  B  B  B  B 1
# 7:  B  B  B  B  B 2
# 8:  B  B  A  B  B 1
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