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convert JSON data inside a new columns


i have dataframe like this:

id    date         value   
1     2021-09-01   [{'value': 'Keyman', 'sum': 8932.199999999999}
                   {'value': 'Suluboya', 'sum': 5896.7499999999945}]

2     2021-10-01   [{'value': 'Atelier', 'sum': 5595.299999999992}
                   {'value': 'Atölye4D', 'sum': 3538.7299999999987}]

expected output:

idx    date        value       sum
1     2021-09-01   Keyman      8932.199999999999 
2     2021-09-01   Suluboya    5896.7499999999945            
3     2021-10-01   Atelier     5595.299999999992
4     2021-10-01   Atölye4D    3538.7299999999987

i tried:

df = pd.json_normalize(df['value'][0])

this was for the first row only. It works but there is a lot of data than that and I believe there is a shorter way. I tried this too.

def only_dict(d):

    return ast.literal_eval(d) if pd.notnull(d) else {}

dfy = json_normalize(df['value'].apply(only_dict).tolist()).add_prefix('_')

but i am getting this error:

ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()

CodePudding user response:

Assuming your df to be:

In [577]: df = pd.DataFrame({'id':[1,2], 'date':['2021-09-01', '2021-10-01'], 'value':[[{'value': 'Keyman', 'sum': 8932.199999999999},{'value': 'Suluboya', 'sum': 5896.7499999999945}], [{'value': 'Atelier', 'sum': 5595.299
     ...: 999999992},{'value': 'Atölye4D', 'sum': 3538.7299999999987}]]})

In [578]: df
   id        date                                              value
0   1  2021-09-01  [{'value': 'Keyman', 'sum': 8932.199999999999}...
1   2  2021-10-01  [{'value': 'Atelier', 'sum': 5595.299999999992...

You can use df.explode with df.apply:

In [581]: df1 = df.explode('value')

In [585]: df1 = pd.concat([df1['date'], df1.value.apply(pd.Series)], 1)

In [586]: df1
         date     value      sum
0  2021-09-01    Keyman  8932.20
0  2021-09-01  Suluboya  5896.75
1  2021-10-01   Atelier  5595.30
1  2021-10-01  Atölye4D  3538.73

OR use pd.json_normalize:

In [587]: df1 = df.explode('value')
In [597]: df1 = pd.concat([df1['date'].reset_index(drop=True), pd.json_normalize(df1['value'])], 1)

In [598]: df1
         date     value      sum
0  2021-09-01    Keyman  8932.20
1  2021-09-01  Suluboya  5896.75
2  2021-10-01   Atelier  5595.30
3  2021-10-01  Atölye4D  3538.73
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