Home > database >  Pb no callback function? PB how to use the EnumChildWindows traversal get another application window
Pb no callback function? PB how to use the EnumChildWindows traversal get another application window


Have got the handle to the window, use the
L_handle=guo_sendtext. FindWindowA (0, ls_wname)
Ls_temp=sle_1. Text
The Clipboard (ls_temp)
Guo_sendtext. SendMessage (3213642, guo_sendtext. WM_PASTE, 1, ' ')//can send characters successfully into the target text box

3213642 is through the text box handle spy++,
Because of that window has multiple text input box, and the handle is also dynamic change,

CodePudding user response:

The callback function.
Application window handle can be obtained through the API.
//about the Windows API operation
//get the program's main window according to the process
The Function ulong GetProcessWindow_local (ulong processid) Library "user32. DLL" alias for "GetProcessWindow
"//according to the process window for
SUBROUTINE GetWindowThreadProcessId_local (ulong HWND, ref ulong pid) Library "user32. DLL" alias for "GetWindowThreadProcessId
"The Function ulong FindWindowA_local (String lpClassName, String lpWindowName) Library "user32. DLL" alias for "FindWindowA
"The Function Long SetWindowPos_local (Long HWND, Long word, Long px, Long py, Long dx, Long dy, Long uflag) Library "user32. DLL" alias for "SetWindowPos
"The Function int GetClassName_local (ulong hWnd, ref string lpClassName, int nMaxCount) library "user32" alias for "GetClassNameA
"The function long GetWindowText_local (long HWND, ref string lpString, long nMaxCount) library "user32" alias for "GetWindowTextA
"The function long SetWindowText_local (long HWND, string lpString) library "user32" alias for "SetWindowTextA
"The Function ulong FindWindow_Handle_local (ulong lpClassName, String lpWindowName) Library "user32. DLL" alias for "FindWindowW
"The Function ulong FindWindowEx_local (ulong hWnd1, ulong hWnd2, String lpClassName, String lpsz2) Library "user32" Alias for "FindWindowExA
"The Function Ulong FindWindowByWindowName_local (String lp_WindowName) Library "user32" Alias for "FindWindowByWindowNameA
"The function ulong GetWindow_local (ulong hwindow, int nrelationship) library "user32. DLL" alias for "GetWindow
"//return the window to its original position
SUBROUTINE SwitchToThisWindow_local (Long hWnd, Boolean fAltTab) Library "user32. DLL" alias for "SwitchToThisWindow
"//get specified window
The Function ulong GetWindow_local (ulong hWd, ulong ul_wm_message) Library "user32. DLL" alias for "GetWindow
"The FUNCTION ulong lstrcat_local (ref string lpString1, ref string lpString2) LIBRARY "kernel32. DLL" ALIAS FOR "lstrcatA
"The FUNCTION ulong lstrcmp_local (ref string lpString1, ref string lpString2) LIBRARY "kernel32. DLL" ALIAS FOR "lstrcmpA
"The FUNCTION ulong lstrcmpi_local (ref string lpString1, ref string lpString2) LIBRARY "kernel32. DLL" ALIAS FOR "lstrcmpiA
"The FUNCTION ulong lstrcpy_local (ref string lpString1, ref string lpString2) LIBRARY "kernel32. DLL" ALIAS FOR "lstrcpyA
"The FUNCTION ulong lstrcpyn_local (ref string lpString1, ref string lpString2, ulong iMaxLength) LIBRARY "kernel32. DLL" ALIAS FOR "lstrcpynA
"The FUNCTION ulong lstrlen_local (ref string lpString) LIBRARY "kernel32. DLL" ALIAS FOR "lstrlenA
"The Function long StrCopy_local (long Destination, REF string Source, long Size) library "kernel32. DLL" Alias for "RtlMoveMemory
"The Function long LocalAlloc_local (long Flags, long Bytes) library "kernel32. DLL" alias for "GetProcessWindow
"The Function long LocalFree_local (long MemHandle) library "kernel32. DLL
"The FUNCTION ulong MapVirtualKeyA_local (UINT uCode, UINT uMapType) Library "user32. DLL" alias for "MapVirtualKeyA
"//to clipboard function
The FUNCTION Boolean OpenClipboard_local (UINT hWndNewOwner) Library "user32. DLL" alias for "OpenClipboard
"The FUNCTION Boolean EmptyClipboard_local () Library "user32. DLL" alias for "EmptyClipboard
"The FUNCTION Boolean CloseClipboard_local () Library "user32. DLL" alias for "CloseClipboard."

CodePudding user response:

Give the building Lord or a process instance is not? Don't appreciate, knot posted immediately!

CodePudding user response:

Inquire how to traverse the window controls in the PB stick son, should be able to help you

CodePudding user response:

If is a function of the sheet can use pb itself,
If the API using findwindow function in general

CodePudding user response:

How do I realize: IF the checkbox checked THEN the database table to add a line, and add a field in the second column (value), thank you!
reference 1st floor response:
no callback function.
Application window handle can be obtained through the API.
//about the Windows API operation
//get the program's main window according to the process
The Function ulong GetProcessWindow_local (ulong processid) Library "user32. DLL" alias for "GetProcessWindow
"//according to the process window for
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