I'm currently working on a Symfony 4.4 web application.
The menu can be changed by the administrators of my app, so there is a table with these properties :
Because I got routes with some parameters (eg: a slug or an id, and the slug can change so it's not a great identifier).
The problem is that I want to know on which menu item I am, to keep the menu opened (to add an active class on < li > items) but I can't find a way to do it properly.
What I tried :
Identify the route with something like that :
<li>{% if app.request.get('_route') == 'foo_products_overview' and app.request.get('slug') in ["entityslug"] %} class="active" {% endif %}></li>
But parameters are not the same for each route of my app (mutliple entites using id or slug to find one).
Here is the way my menu items are displayed :
{% if child2.getMenuItems()|length > 0 %}
<ul class="collapse nav-sub" aria-expanded="false">
{% for child3 in child2.getMenuItems() if child2.getMenuItems()|length > 0 and child3.level == 4 and (is_granted(child3.roles) or child3.roles is empty) %}
<li class="{% if child3.getMenuItems()|length > 0 %}nav-dropdown{% endif %}">
<a hljs-keyword">if child3.getMenuItems()|length > 0 %}has-arrow{% endif %}"
href="{% if child3.route is not null %}{% if child3.routeParameters %}{{ path(child3.route, {'id': child3.routeParameters}) }}{% else %}{{ path(child3.route) }}{% endif %}{% else %}#{% endif %}"
<span>{% if "ROLE_ADMIN" in child3.roles %}<i class="la la-eye-slash text-danger mr-2"></i>{% endif %}{{ child3.name|raw }}</span>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
Have you ever had this problem?
Maybe there's a way with KnpMenu? (https://symfony.com/bundles/KnpMenuBundle/current/index.html) I'm not using it for the moment.
CodePudding user response:
Did you try this : replace "child.id" by your variable name, i think that's "child3.id" but not sure.
class="{% if app.request.attributes.get( '_route' ) starts with 'foo_products_overview' and app.request.attributes.get('id') == child.id %}active{% endif%}"