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Hadoop - 2.9.1 configuration when HA ZKFC won't start


The Exception in the thread "main" org. Apache. Hadoop. HadoopIllegalArgumentException: HA is not enabled for this namenode.
At org, apache hadoop. HDFS. View DFSZKFailoverController. Create (131) DFSZKFailoverController. Java:
At org, apache hadoop. HDFS. View DFSZKFailoverController. Main (189) DFSZKFailoverController. Java:

Everyone, I have a look at the source code, that is:
if (! HAUtil. IsHAEnabled (localNNConf nsId)) {
Throw new HadoopIllegalArgumentException (
"HA is not enabled for this namenode.");
But I'm in the core - site. XML and HDFS - site. XML modified namenodeserverID or error,
Please answer, has been parked in the many days,! Genuflect is begged
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