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Lookup from a comma separated SQL column


I have a user table which has comma separated ids in one of the columns, like:

Id Name PrimaryTeamId SecondaryTeamIds
1 John 123 456,789,669
2 Ringo 123 456,555

and a secondary table which contains the team names

Id TeamId TeamName
1 456 Red Team
2 669 Blue Team
3 789 Purple Team
4 555 Black Team
5 123 Orange Team

I'm trying to create a view which gives the following format:

Name Primary Team Secondary Teams
John Orange Team Red Team, Purple Team, Blue Team
Ringo Orange Team Red Team, Black Team

I have created

  t.TeamName as 'Primary Team'
  SELECT ... ?? as 'Secondary Teams'
   users u
inner join teams t on u.PrimaryTeamId = t.TeamId

I've tried numerous things but can't seem to put it together. I can't seem to find the same use case here or elsewhere. I do control the data coming in so I could parse those values out relationally to begin with or do some kind of lookup on the ETL side, but would like to figure it out.

CodePudding user response:

I played around with this a little bit and I found you can do it using two functions, enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

If the sequence of Secondary Teams is essential, you can parse the string via OpenJSON while preserving the sequence [key].

Then it becomes a small matter of string_agg()

Example or dbFiddle

Select A.ID
      ,PrimaryTeam = C.TeamName
 from  YourTable A
 Cross Apply (
                Select SecendaryTeams = string_agg(B2.TeamName,', ') within group (order by B1.[Key])
                 From  OpenJSON( '["' replace(string_escape([SecondaryTeamIds],'json'),',','","') '"]' ) B1
                 Join  YourTeams B2 on B1.Value=B2.TeamID
             ) B
 Join YourTeams C on A.[PrimaryTeamId]=C.TeamId


ID  Name    PrimaryTeam     SecendaryTeams
1   John    Orange Team     Red Team, Purple Team, Blue Team
2   Ringo   Orange Team     Red Team, Black Team
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