I want to update the key vault secret values by getting the function app default key and service bus connection string using PowerShell/CLI script.
So, can anyone please help me out on this issue.
CodePudding user response:
Based on the above requirement, We have written the below PowerShell script to pull the function app key value (default & MasterKey), function app application setting (Azure webjob storage) value.
Using those key values the script will create a secrets in the respective key vault.
Here is the PowerShell Script:
$accountInfo = az account show
$accountInfoObject = $accountInfo | ConvertFrom-Json
$subscriptionId = $accountInfoObject.id
$resourceGroup = <ResourceGroupName>
$functionName = <functionName>
$functionkeylist = az rest --method post --uri "https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/$subscriptionId/resourceGroups/$resourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/$functionName/host/default/listKeys?api-version=2018-11-01"
$keylistobject = $functionkeylist | ConvertFrom-Json
##To pull the functionapp specific setting
$appsetting=az functionapp config appsettings list --name $functionName --resource-group $resourceGroup --query "[?name=='AzureWebJobsStorage'].{Value:value}" -o tsv ##pulling specific functionappsetting
##This block will create the secrets for specific app setting & functionapp key
az keyvault secret set --name $functionName'defaultkey' --vault-name $vaultname --value $keylistobject.functionKeys.default
az keyvault secret set --name $functionName'masterkey' --vault-name $vaultname --value $keylistobject.masterKey
az keyvault secret set --name $functionName'webappstorage' --vault-name $vaultname --value $appsetting
In the above PowerShell we have pulled existing app setting AzureWebJobStorage
created a secret in the keyvault. would suggest you change the $appsettings
block with the respective functionapp appsetting to create a secret in keyvault.
Here is the sample output for reference:
Updated Answer:
Add the below code to above PowerShell script which will pull the service bus connection string app setting of functionapp & will store connection string value as secret in key vault.
$servucebusappsetting=az functionapp config appsettings list --name $functionName --resource-group $resourceGroup --query "[?name=='azfapsb_RootManageSharedAccessKey_SERVICEBUS'].{Value:value}" -o tsv ##app setting of service connection string will be in the format (<servicebusName>_RootManageSharedAccessKey_SERVICEBUS)
az keyvault secret set --name $functionName'ServiceBusConnectionString' --vault-name $vaultname --value $servucebusappsetting