I have started to build Gradle in my android project but I had the following problem, does anyone know what happens?
I'm trying to get the Tflite dependency from Maven, never had a problem until today.
Could not determine the dependencies of task ':app:processDebugResources'.
> Could not resolve all task dependencies for configuration ':app:debugRuntimeClasspath'.
> Could not resolve org.tensorflow:tensorflow-lite: .
Required by:
project :app > project :tflite
> Failed to list versions for org.tensorflow:tensorflow-lite.
> Unable to load Maven meta-data from https://google.bintray.com/exoplayer/org/tensorflow/tensorflow-lite/maven-metadata.xml.
> Could not get resource 'https://google.bintray.com/exoplayer/org/tensorflow/tensorflow-lite/maven-metadata.xml'.
> Could not GET 'https://google.bintray.com/exoplayer/org/tensorflow/tensorflow-lite/maven-metadata.xml'. Received status code 502 from server: Bad Gateway
CodePudding user response:
We experienced the same the last two days. It looks like it is working again.
CodePudding user response:
There is a problem in Downloads section with Partial Outage in jfrog bintray (https://status.bintray.com/incidents/2wvx6d5f807c):
You can see the current status in https://status.bintray.com/
Or it can also be an issue from your side. What you can do is flush your DNS information using this command in admin cmd propmt
ipconfig /flushdns