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For oracle SQL to create function, tip package or function in the invalid state


- create function
The create or replace function dateconvert (flowdate in varchar)
Return a varchar
Is saledate varchar.

The begin

Str1 varchar (6);
Str2 varchar (6);
Str3 varchar (6);
Lenstr1 number (5);
Lenstr2 number (5);
Lenstr3 number (5);

If instr (flowdate, '-', 1, 1) & gt; 1 then

Str1=substr (flowdate, 1, instr (flowdate, '-', 1, 1) - 1);
Str2:=replace (substr (flowdate, instr (flowdate, '-', 1, 1) + 1, 2), '-', ');
Str3:=substr (flowdate, instr (flowdate, '-', 1, 2) + 1, 2);
Lenstr1:=length (str1);
Lenstr2:=length (str2);
Lenstr3:=length (str3);

The case when lenstr3=4 and lenstr2=1 and lenstr1=1
Then saledate:=str3 | | '0' | | str2 | | '0' | | str1;
The when lenstr3=4 and lenstr2=1 and lenstr1=2
Then flowdate:=str3 | | '0' | | str2 | | str1;
The when lenstr3=4 and lenstr2=2 and lenstr1=1
Then saledate:=str3 | | str2 | | '0' | | str1;
The when lenstr1=4 and lenstr2=1 and lenstr1=1
Then flowdate: str1=| | '0' | | str2 | | '0' | | str3;
The when lenstr1=4 and lenstr2=1 and lenstr3=2
Then saledate: str1=| | '0' | | str2 | | str3;
The when lenstr1=4 and lenstr2=2 and lenstr3=1
Then saledate:=str3 | | str2 | | '0' | | str3;
The when lenstr1=2 and lenstr2=2 and lenstr3=1
Then saledate:=str3 | | str2 | | '0' | | str3;
The when lenstr1=2 and lenstr2=1 and lenstr3=1
Then saledate:=str3 | | '0' | | str2 | | '0' | | str3;
The when lenstr1=2 and lenstr2=1 and lenstr3=2
Then saledate:=str3 | | '0' | | str2 | | str3;
The else saledate:=flowdate;
End a case;
Return (saledate);
The else
Saledate:=substr (flowdate, 1, 4) | | '-' | | substr (flowdate, 5, 2) | | '-' substr (flowdate, 7, 2);
Return (saledate);
end if;
End dateconvert;

CodePudding user response:

- the problem was a lot of, now give you change the

The create or replace function dateconvert (p_flowdate in varchar)
Return a varchar

Saledate varchar (30);
Flowdate varchar (30);
Str1 varchar (6);
Str2 varchar (6);
Str3 varchar (6);
Lenstr1 number (5);
Lenstr2 number (5);
Lenstr3 number (5);
The begin

If instr (flowdate, '-', 1, 1) & gt; 1 then

Str1=substr (flowdate, 1, instr (flowdate, '-', 1, 1) - 1);
Str2:=replace (substr (flowdate, instr (flowdate, '-', 1, 1) + 1, 2), '-', ');
Str3:=substr (flowdate, instr (flowdate, '-', 1, 2) + 1, 2);
Lenstr1:=length (str1);
Lenstr2:=length (str2);
Lenstr3:=length (str3);

The case when lenstr3=4 and lenstr2=1 and lenstr1=1
Then saledate:=str3 | | '0' | | str2 | | '0' | | str1;
The when lenstr3=4 and lenstr2=1 and lenstr1=2
Then flowdate:=str3 | | '0' | | str2 | | str1;
The when lenstr3=4 and lenstr2=2 and lenstr1=1
Then saledate:=str3 | | str2 | | '0' | | str1;
The when lenstr1=4 and lenstr2=1 and lenstr1=1
Then flowdate: str1=| | '0' | | str2 | | '0' | | str3;
The when lenstr1=4 and lenstr2=1 and lenstr3=2
Then saledate: str1=| | '0' | | str2 | | str3;
The when lenstr1=4 and lenstr2=2 and lenstr3=1
Then saledate:=str3 | | str2 | | '0' | | str3;
The when lenstr1=2 and lenstr2=2 and lenstr3=1
Then saledate:=str3 | | str2 | | '0' | | str3;
The when lenstr1=2 and lenstr2=1 and lenstr3=1
Then saledate:=str3 | | '0' | | str2 | | '0' | | str3;
The when lenstr1=2 and lenstr2=1 and lenstr3=2
Then saledate:=str3 | | '0' | | str2 | | str3;
The else saledate:=flowdate;
End a case;
Return (saledate);
The else
Saledate:=substr (flowdate, 1, 4) | | '-' | | substr (flowdate, 5, 2) | | '-' | | substr (flowdate, 7, 2);
Return (saledate);
end if;
End dateconvert;

CodePudding user response:

Pl/SQL developer, click the invalid objects, you create it will prompt you where wrong,
That's ok, who love will find out compilation errors for you!
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