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How to overload call operator() function with same type and parameters, but different return type?


I want to define a new call operator() function with the parameters and type defined for the first operator() function. The reason for doing this is that the operations I want to perform with the new operator() function needs the same parameters as the first one, but maybe named differently but the type I need should remain the same. I know that it is not possible, but could someone suggest any different method to do this or are there any way around?

code listing:

namespace correlator {
    class mean_square_displacement
        typedef std::shared_ptr<boost::multi_array<float, 2>> sample_type;
        typedef double result_type;  // fixed_vector<double, 3>

    result_type operator() (sample_type const& first, sample_type const& second) const
        double msd = 0;
        size_t N = first->size(); // number of rows in one frame (11214 in one frame)
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < N;   i) {
            for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 3;   j) {
                double dr = (*first)[i][j] - (*second)[i][j];
                msd  = dr * dr;
                //ofile_msd << i << " " << msd << std::endl;
                if (msd > 0)
                    std::cout << "msd::" <<  msd << std::endl;
    return msd/N;
} // first operator ends here 

    double operator()(sample_type const& first, sample_type const& second) const
        std::cout <<  *(*first)[0][0] <<"The first element :." << std::endl;
        return 0;
} // namespace correlator

CodePudding user response:


struct Foo {
  // these are your current operator() functions
  int op1(int);
  float op2(int);

struct FooAdapter1 {
  Foo& foo;
  auto operator()(int i) { return foo.op1(i); }

struct FooAdapter2 {
  Foo& foo;
  auto operator()(int i) { return foo.op2(i); }

So, instead of passing a Foo object like this:

std::invoke(foo,7); // no

You pass it via an adapter:

std::invoke(FooAdapter1{foo},7); // calls op1

And you give the Adapters good semantically sensible names, of course.

Alternatively, use an out argument to select the overload:

struct Foo {
  // these are your current operator() functions
  void operator()(int, int&);
  void operator()(int, float&);

And then the somewhat ugly call:

float& result{};
std::invoke(foo,7,result); // selects the fist overload
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