I have a following code which works perfectly and does a trick I need.
However I want this code to run for n number of times and create n arrays.
My dataset is:
My code is:
Option Explicit
Private Sub Test()
Const startRow As Long = 2
Const valueCol As Long = 2
Const outputCol As Long = 4
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Dim lastRow As Long
lastRow = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, valueCol).End(xlUp).Row
Dim inputArr As Variant
inputArr = ws.Range(ws.Cells(startRow, valueCol), ws.Cells(lastRow, valueCol)).Value
Dim outputSize As Long
outputSize = ((UBound(inputArr, 1) - 1) * UBound(inputArr, 1)) / 2
Dim outputIndex As Long
Dim outputArr As Variant
ReDim outputArr(1 To outputSize, 1 To 1) As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim n As Long
Dim currFirst As Long
Dim currLowest As Long
For i = 2 To UBound(inputArr, 1)
currFirst = inputArr(i, 1)
currLowest = currFirst - inputArr(i - 1, 1)
For n = i - 1 To 1 Step -1
Dim testLowest As Long
testLowest = currFirst - inputArr(n, 1)
If testLowest < currLowest Then currLowest = testLowest
outputIndex = outputIndex 1
outputArr(outputIndex, 1) = currLowest
Next n
Next i
ws.Cells(startRow, outputCol).Resize(UBound(outputArr, 1)).Value = outputArr
End Sub
Code explanation: (dataset is just for visual purposes) Code calculates Value in a column (for instance column B) and creates array1 and and insert array into result column.
What I want to implement is repeat this code/loop n number of times and create dynamic number of arrays and then put a result of these arrays into Result column. I can't figure out how to create an array1 then array2 and so on within one loop.
One column might have 60k rows hence I need really light weight solution to achieve a minimum run time.
Thank you for your help.
CodePudding user response:
This assumes that your Date and Values are always in pairs and so your used columns are always even.
Basically added another loop to go over the columns and at the end of each column's calculation, add outputArr
into a Collection
). I have added sample of how you can iterate the collection and the rows of each array at the end.
Option Explicit
Private Sub Test()
Const startRow As Long = 2
Const firstValueCol As Long = 2
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim lastCol As Long
With ws
lastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, firstValueCol).End(xlUp).Row
lastCol = .Cells(startRow, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
End With
Dim outputSize As Long
outputSize = ((lastRow - startRow) * (lastRow - startRow 1)) / 2
Dim outputArr As Variant
ReDim outputArr(1 To outputSize, 1 To 1) As Variant
Dim outputColl As Collection
Set outputColl = New Collection
Dim x As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim n As Long
For x = firstValueCol To lastCol Step 2
Dim inputArr As Variant
inputArr = ws.Range(ws.Cells(startRow, x), ws.Cells(lastRow, x)).Value
Dim outputIndex As Long
outputIndex = 0
For i = 2 To UBound(inputArr, 1)
Dim currFirst As Long
Dim currLowest As Long
currFirst = inputArr(i, 1)
currLowest = currFirst - inputArr(i - 1, 1)
For n = i - 1 To 1 Step -1
Dim testLowest As Long
testLowest = currFirst - inputArr(n, 1)
If testLowest < currLowest Then currLowest = testLowest
outputIndex = outputIndex 1
outputArr(outputIndex, 1) = currLowest
Next n
Next i
outputColl.Add outputArr
Next x
'Loop through your collection
For x = 1 To outputColl.Count
'loop through the rows in the array
For i = 1 To UBound(outputColl(x), 1)
'Do your math here
Debug.Print outputColl(x)(i, 1)
Next i
Next x
'Dim outputCol As Long
'outputCol = lastCol 1
'ws.Cells(startRow, outputCol).Resize(UBound(outputArr, 1)).Value = outputArr
End Sub
CodePudding user response:
Sum Up Resulting Arrays
Option Explicit
' 1448 rows in source will generate 1047629 rows in destination,
' which takes about 6-7 seconds for 10 columns.
Sub WriteTricky()
' Needs 'GetTricky' and 'SumUpTwoArrays'.
Dim dTime As Double: dTime = Timer ' time measuring
' Source
Const sName As String = "Sheet1"
Const sColsList As String = "B,D,F,H,J,L,N,P,R,T"
Const slrCol As String = "B" ' Last Row Column
Const sfRow As Long = 2 ' First Row
' Destination
Const dName As String = "Sheet1"
Const dFirstCellAddress As String = "V2"
' Workbook
Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ThisWorkbook
' Create a reference to the source last (one-column) range.
Dim sws As Worksheet: Set sws = wb.Worksheets(sName)
Dim slRow As Long: slRow = sws.Cells(sws.Rows.Count, slrCol).End(xlUp).Row
Dim srCount As Long: srCount = slRow - sfRow 1
If srCount < 2 Then Exit Sub
Dim drCount As Long: drCount = (srCount - 1) * srCount / 2
If sws.Rows.Count - drCount - sfRow 1 < 0 Then Exit Sub ' will not fit
Dim slrcrg As Range: Set slrcrg = sws.Cells(sfRow, slrCol).Resize(srCount)
' Write the 'tricky' values to the destination array.
Dim sCols() As String: sCols = Split(sColsList, ",")
Dim nUpper As Long: nUpper = UBound(sCols)
Dim dData As Variant
Dim aData As Variant
Dim scrg As Range
Dim n As Long
For n = 0 To UBound(sCols)
Set scrg = slrcrg.EntireRow.Columns(sCols(n))
If n > 0 Then
aData = GetTricky(scrg)
SumUpTwoArrays dData, aData
dData = GetTricky(scrg)
End If
Next n
' Write values from destination array to the destination (one-column) range.
Dim dws As Worksheet: Set dws = wb.Worksheets(dName)
Dim dfcell As Range: Set dfcell = dws.Range(dFirstCellAddress)
Dim dcrg As Range: Set dcrg = dfcell.Resize(UBound(dData))
dcrg.Value = dData
Debug.Print Timer - dTime ' time measuring
End Sub
' This is Raymond Wu's logic transferred to a function.
Function GetTricky( _
ColumnRange As Range) _
As Variant
If ColumnRange Is Nothing Then Exit Function
Dim sData As Variant
Dim srCount As Long
With ColumnRange.Columns(1)
srCount = .Rows.Count
If srCount = 1 Then Exit Function
sData = .Value
End With
Dim drCount As Long: drCount = (srCount - 1) * srCount / 2
Dim dData As Variant: ReDim dData(1 To drCount, 1 To 1)
Dim sr As Long
Dim sn As Long
Dim currFirst As Long
Dim currLowest As Long
Dim testLowest As Long
Dim dr As Long
For sr = 2 To srCount
currFirst = sData(sr, 1)
currLowest = currFirst - sData(sr - 1, 1)
For sn = sr - 1 To 1 Step -1
testLowest = currFirst - sData(sn, 1)
If testLowest < currLowest Then currLowest = testLowest
dr = dr 1
dData(dr, 1) = currLowest
Next sn
Next sr
GetTricky = dData
End Function
Sub SumUpTwoArrays( _
ByRef SumData As Variant, _
ByVal AddData As Variant) ' note 'ByRef' i.e. 'SumData' will be modified
Dim aValue As Variant
Dim r As Long
For r = 1 To UBound(AddData)
aValue = AddData(r, 1)
If IsNumeric(aValue) Then
If aValue <> 0 Then
SumData(r, 1) = SumData(r, 1) aValue
End If
End If
Next r
End Sub