I'm trying to build a simple contact tracing system in Python. The following function should get 2 persons in my database and return if they've had (in)direct contact, and if indirect it returns the amount of people in between them.
contact_tracing_datastructure = [{'Koen', 'Pieter'}, {'Kim', 'Koen', 'Bart'}, {'Tom', 'Pieter'}, {'Yana', 'Bart'}, {'Wouter', 'Yana'}, {'Wouter', 'Bert'}, {'Koen'}]
already_checked = set()
def x_had_contact_with_y_with_distance(meetings, person_x, person_y, distance=0):
contacts_x = give_contacts(meetings, person_x)
if person_y in contacts_x:
return True, distance
elif len(already_checked) != len(population):
distance = 1
for i in contacts_x:
found = x_had_contact_with_y_with_distance(meetings, i, person_y, distance)
if found:
return True, distance
return False
print(x_had_contact_with_y_with_distance(contact_tracing_datastructure, "Koen", "Wouter")
The function keeps going however until maximum recursion depht is reached, even though I've added the already_checked variable to make it so it doesn't check a person twice. The function should return (True, 2) in this case. Give_contacts(person_x) simply gives a set of people person_x has been in contact with.
How can i stop the recursion when a solution has been found?
Thanks in advance!
CodePudding user response:
First I would reshape your data from list(set(str))
to dict(str,set(str))
# list of set of string
input = [{'Koen', 'Pieter'}, {'Kim', 'Koen', 'Bart'}, {'Tom', 'Pieter'}, {'Yana', 'Bart'}, {'Wouter', 'Yana'}, {'Wouter', 'Bert'}, {'Koen'}]
# dict of (string -> set of string)
index = dict()
for s in input:
for name in s:
if name in index:
index[name] = index[name] | s - {name}
index[name] = s - {name}
for (name, others) in index.items():
print(name, others)
Pieter {'Koen', 'Tom'}
Koen {'Pieter', 'Bart', 'Kim'}
Kim {'Koen', 'Bart'}
Bart {'Yana', 'Koen', 'Kim'}
Tom {'Pieter'}
Yana {'Bart', 'Wouter'}
Wouter {'Yana', 'Bert'}
Bert {'Wouter'}
The superior index
shape allows you to easily write graph(t, q)
def graph(t, q):
def loop(r, q):
yield r
for name in t[q]:
if name not in r:
yield from loop((*r, name), name)
return loop((q,), q)
for line in graph(index, "Koen"):
('Koen', 'Bart')
('Koen', 'Bart', 'Kim')
('Koen', 'Bart', 'Yana')
('Koen', 'Bart', 'Yana', 'Wouter')
('Koen', 'Bart', 'Yana', 'Wouter', 'Bert')
('Koen', 'Pieter')
('Koen', 'Pieter', 'Tom')
('Koen', 'Kim')
('Koen', 'Kim', 'Bart')
('Koen', 'Kim', 'Bart', 'Yana')
('Koen', 'Kim', 'Bart', 'Yana', 'Wouter')
('Koen', 'Kim', 'Bart', 'Yana', 'Wouter', 'Bert')
Utilizing graph
we can easily write trace(t, q, p)
def trace(t, p, q):
for line in graph(t, p):
if line[-1] == q:
yield line
Let's see the ways Koen
traces to Kim
for contact in trace(index, "Koen", "Kim"):
print(len(contact) - 1, "->".join(contact))
2 Koen->Bart->Kim
1 Koen->Kim
And how Bert
traces to Kim
for contact in trace(index, "Bert", "Kim"):
print(len(contact) - 1, "->".join(contact))
5 Bert->Wouter->Yana->Bart->Koen->Kim
4 Bert->Wouter->Yana->Bart->Kim
And how Yana
traces Wouter
for contact in trace(index, "Yana", "Wouter"):
print(len(contact) - 1, "->".join(contact))
1 Yana->Wouter
Modify graph
so that any names can be searched, even names that don't appear in the graph -
def graph(t, q):
def loop(r, q):
try: # <- try
yield r
for name in t[q]:
if name not in r:
yield from loop((*r, name), name)
except KeyError: # <- name not found
return # <- stop iteration
return loop((q,), q)
for contact in trace(index, "Vivian", "Sylvia"):
print(len(contact) - 1, "->".join(contact))
(no output)