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Unable to pass on Env variables to powershell script (not inline) in azure pipelines yaml


My azure pipelines yaml runs a powershell script which is stored inside the repo.

That powershell script expects 3 variables : the working directory, the Oauth access token and the source branch name (which triggered the pipeline).

But it seems , whenever I try to pass on parameters, the powershell script does not recognize them and I get an error

The term 'env:SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN' is not recognized as the 
name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program

The term 'env:BUILD_SOURCEBRANCHNAME' is not recognized as the 
name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program

My yaml looks like this:

name: $(Build.DefinitionName)_$(Build.SourceBranchName)_$(Build.BuildId)

      - '*'

  system_accesstoken: $(System.AccessToken)

  - job: NoteBookMergeAndOnPremSync
    displayName: Merge Notebooks to Notebooks branch and sync to on prem git
      name: Poolname
    - task: PowerShell@2
      displayName: 'Merge to Notebooks branch in Azure and Sync to On Prem'
        targetType: filePath
        filePath: ./deploy/MergeAndSync.ps1
        arguments: '-workingdir $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\ -featurebranch $(env:BUILD_SOURCEBRANCHNAME) -accesstoken $(env:SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN)'

I was able to run the powershell script successfully as an "in line powershell script" when using a "release definition" using the GUI, but I would like all that to be in an azure pipeline (yaml)in yaml but unfortunately, I just can't find a way to pass on these env variables.

How do I pass on the BUILD_SOURCEBRANCHNAME and env:SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN to the powershell script from the azure pipeline yaml?

Also, I would like to avoid an "inline powershell script" and rather have the logic saved in my repo.

CodePudding user response:

It looks like you're mixing Azure macro syntax ($(name)) with PowerShell variable-reference syntax ($env:name, for environment variables).

That said, since you're invoking a script file with arguments - which presumably means that the -File parameter of the PowerShell CLI is used - you cannot reference environment variables in the arguments, because PowerShell then interprets something like $env:BUILD_SOURCEBRANCHNAME verbatim (as a literal string) rather than as an environment-variable reference (the latter would only work inside the script or in CLI calls using -Command).

Therefore, I presume the solution is to use only Azure macro syntax to pass the value of the variables of interest as arguments:

arguments: >-
  -workingdir $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\
  -featurebranch $(Build.SourceBranchName)
  -accesstoken $(system_accesstoken)

Update: As you state, you didn't need any variables definition: referencing $(System.AccessToken) directly works too:

arguments: >-
  -workingdir $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\
  -featurebranch $(Build.SourceBranchName)
  -accesstoken $(System.AccessToken)
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