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Cannot convert the "System.Char[,]" value of type "System.Char[,]" to type "


I've got simple script, which creates 2d char array, and invokes function, which should to fill that array with given char.

[int]$size = Read-Host "Please, enter the board size"

$playerBoard = New-Object 'char[,]' $size,$size


and here is the function

function   Fill-Boad-With-Symbol([char[,]]$board, [char]$symbol,[int]$boardSize){
    for ($i=0; $i -lt $boardSize; $i  ) {
        for ($j=0; $j -lt $boardSize; $j  ) {
            $board[$i,$j] = $symbol

But when executing this code i get the following error:

  Cannot process argument transformation on parameter 'board'. Cannot convert the "System.Char[,]" value of type "System.Char[,]" to type "System.Char"

I kindly ask to explain, what am I doing wrong?

CodePudding user response:

As in my comment, in PowerShell, arguments are either positional or named, your first error is the way you're passing arguments to your function. By doing this:


PowerShell will interpret it as if you were passing an object[] (object array) which 1st element array[0] will be the $playerBoard, 2nd element would be a * and 3rd element, an int to the first parameter of your function -Board which is type constraint to char[,].

PowerShell will then attempt type conversion from object[] to char[,] and it will fail with that exception you see.


Given these variables:

$playerBoard = New-Object 'char[,]' 2,2
$symbol = '*'
$size = 2

Grouping them together (...) we can inspect it's type:

PS /> ($playerBoard, $symbol, $size).GetType()

IsPublic IsSerial Name         BaseType
-------- -------- ----         --------
True     True     Object[]     System.Array

If we attempt to convert it to [char[,]]:

PS /> [char[,]]($playerBoard, $symbol, $size)

InvalidArgument: Cannot convert the "System.Char[,]" value of type "System.Char[,]" to type "System.Char".

Try doing this instead:

[int]$size = Read-Host "Please, enter the board size"
$playerBoard = New-Object 'char[,]' $size,$size

function Fill-Board-With-Symbol {
    for ($i=0; $i -lt $boardSize; $i  ) {
        for ($j=0; $j -lt $boardSize; $j  ) {
            $board[$i,$j] = $symbol
    $board # => This is your output

$newBoard = Fill-Board-With-Symbol -Board $playerBoard -Symbol '*' -BoardSize $size
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