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CSV match cell value to Current time


I have a CSV with data as

Date        Time        Impact  Warning
12/20/2021  10:00 AM    Low     9:57:00 AM
12/21/2021  8:30 AM     Low     8:27:00 AM
12/22/2021  8:30 AM     Medium  8:27:00 AM

I have a timer loop running and I want the variable- $eventsoon to be true if a Warning time is -eq to Current time(EST).

#Import CSV
$csv = Import-Csv C:\filelocation.csv

#Get eastern Timezone#
$eastern = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::convertTimeBySystemTimeZoneId([datetime]::Now, 'Eastern Standard Time')
#Format Eastern Time#
$easternTime = Get-Date $eastern -format "HH:mm:ss tt"

#Find Matching Time between Current US Eastern Time and Warningtime
 $eventsoon = $csv  |
    Where-Object { $_.Warning -eq  $easternTime} |
    ForEach-Object {
        Write-Host ($_.Warning,$_.Impact) 

When testing, I can trigger the -eq but nothing saves to the $eventsoon variable?

What am I missing?

Thanks for your time.

CodePudding user response:

Here is a hint on how you can approach your problem, first of all, Lee_Dailey has given you a great peace of advice: always use DateTime to compare Dates and Times.
Another thing to note, using -eq might not be the right comparison operator, specially to filter Time, normally you would filter by time ranges, something like: "2 minutes more than this and 2 mintues less than this..."

Here goes the hint:

$csv = @'
Date        Time        Impact  Warning
12/20/2021  10:00 AM    Low     9:57:00 AM
12/21/2021  8:30 AM     Low     8:27:00 AM
12/22/2021  8:30 AM     Medium  8:27:00 AM
12/22/2021  8:30 AM     Medium  1:50:00 PM
'@ -replace '   ',',' | ConvertFrom-Csv

# Let's try to filter the last line of the CSV (1:50:00 PM)

$est = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeBySystemTimeZoneId(
    'Eastern Standard Time'
) # => Monday, December 20, 2021 1:48:45 PM

$result = $csv | Where-Object {
    [datetime]$_.Warning -gt $est.AddMinutes(-15) -and
    [datetime]$_.Warning -lt $est.AddMinutes(15)

# $result would yield:

Date       Time    Impact Warning
----       ----    ------ -------
12/22/2021 8:30 AM Medium 1:50:00 PM

# If you want to see just a True / False
[bool]$result # => True
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