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Hive database cannot be created after configuration access, hadoop can build sheet


According to the tutorial configuration hive permissions, unable to create the database problems after hive configuration below
<? The XML version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

Javax.mail. Jdo. Option. ConnectionURL
JDBC: mysql://hadoop103:3306/hive? CreateDatabaseIfNotExist=true

Javax.mail. Jdo. Option. ConnectionDriverName
Com. Mysql. JDBC. Driver

Javax.mail. Jdo. Option. ConnectionUserName

Javax.mail. Jdo. Option. ConnectionPassword
123456 & lt;/value>

Hive. The exec. Scratchdir
/my/opt/;/metadata/hive/hivescratchdir/hive - ${user. The name} & lt;/value>

Hive. The exec. Parallel

Hive. The exec. Parallel. Thread. Number
16 & lt;/value>

Hive. Cli. Print. Header

- & gt;

Hive. Cli. Print. Row. To.. vertical

Hive. Cli. Print. Current. Db

Hive, exec mode. Local. Auto
The enable local mode

- & gt;

Hive. Auto. Convert. Join
Automatically enable mapside join

Hive. Mapjoin. Smalltable. Filesize
250000000 & lt;/value>
Small table size (bytes) & lt;/description>

Hive. The exec. Dynamic. Partition
Enable dynamic partition

Hive. The exec. Dynamic. Partition. Mode
Been or not allow all the partitions are dynamic

Hive. The exec. Max. Dynamic. Partitions. Pernode
1000 & lt;/value>
Number of partitions that one dynamic clause can create

Hive. Mapred. Mode

Hive. Hwi. Listen. Host
Hadoop101 & lt;/value>
This is the host address the Hive Web Interface will listen on

Hive. Hwi. Listen. Port
19999 & lt;/value>
This is the port the Hive Web Interface will listen on

Hive. Hwi. War. File
Lib/hive - hwi - 0.12.0. War
This is the WAR file with the JSP content for Hive Web Interface

Hive. Server2. Thrift. Port
10000 & lt;/value>

Hive. Server2. Thrift. Bind. Host
Hadoop101 & lt;/value>

Hive. Metastore. Warehouse. Dir
The location of the default database for warehouse

Hive. Default. Fileformat

Hive.exec.com press. Output
This controls, been the final outputs of a query (to a local/HDFS
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