Home > database >  Just installed under the redhat mongo but s completely unable to use instructions
Just installed under the redhat mongo but s completely unable to use instructions


Just installed mongo, mainly in the night looking for the installation of the tutorial that is set up, operated by instruction cannot, can only use the user, dizzy ~ online to find other methods are not applicable,
Maybe my user is not authorized?
But I haven't create super user authorization?

mongo shell version v3.6.0
Connecting to: mongo://
Mongo server versio: 3.6.0

& gt; Use the admin
Switched to the db admin

The createUser ({
. User: "username",
. The PWD: "password",
. Roles: [" readWrite dbAdmin ", ""," dbOwner "]
. });
The 2019-03-19 T09:19:55. 749 + 0800 E QUERY [thread1] Error: couldn 't add user: not authorized on the admin to execute the command {createUser: "username", the PWD: "XXX", roles: [" readWrite ", "dbAdmin", "dbOwner"], digestPassword: false, writeConcern: {w: "majority", wtimeout: 600000.0}, $db: "admin"} :
_getErrorWithCode @ SRC/mongo/shell/utils. Js:
differingDB. Prototype. CreateUser @ SRC/mongo/shell/DB js: 1437:15
@ (shell) : 1:1

& gt; Show users
"T09:2019-03-19. 358 + 0800 E QUERY [thread1] Error: not authorized on the admin to execute the command {usersInfo: 1.0, $db:" admin "} :
_getErrorWithCode @ SRC/mongo/shell/utils. Js:
differingDB. The prototype. The getUsers @ SRC/mongo/shell/DB js: 1686:1
ShellHelper. Show @ SRC/mongo/shell/utils. Js: 793-9
ShellHelper @ SRC/mongo/shell/utils. Js: 700:15
@ (shellhelp2) : 1:1

& gt; The system. Users. The find ()
Error: Error: {
"Ok" : 0,
"Errmsg" : "not authorized on the test to the execute command {find: " system. The users \ ", the filter: {}, $db: \ "test "} ",
"Code" : 13,
"CodeName" : "Unauthorized"

& gt; Show DBS
The 2019-03-19 T09: when. 938 + 0800 E QUERY [thread1] Error: listDatabases failed: {
"Ok" : 0,
"Errmsg" : "not authorized on the admin to execute the command {listDatabases: 1.0, $db: " admin \ "} ",
"Code" : 13,
"CodeName" : "Unauthorized"
} :
_getErrorWithCode @ SRC/mongo/shell/utils. Js:
differingMongo. Prototype. GetDBs @ SRC/Mongo/shell/Mongo. Js: 65:1
ShellHelper. Show @ SRC/mongo/shell/utils. Js: 810:19
ShellHelper @ SRC/mongo/shell/utils. Js: 700:15
@ (shellhelp2) : 1:1
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