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Having a table of properties of an object and a table of conditions to make an action, how to query


Let's suppose we have two tables (in this case in PostgreSQL). The first one represents a many to many relationship between objects and properties, for every object there will be a row for every property it has:

CREATE Table objects(
id serial,
object_name text,
property text  

The second table represents a many-to-many relationship between actions and properties that an object must have to take them.

CREATE Table actions(
id serial,
action_name text,
property text  

How to write a query that, given an object name, returns all the actions that that object can do?

For example, given table objects as:

id object_name property
1 object1 can_swim
2 object1 no_fear
3 object2 can_swim

and table actions

id action_name property
1 scuba_dive can_swim
2 scuba_dive no_fear
3 waterpolo can_swim

If I want to know what action can object1 do I should get scuba_dive and waterpolo as answers, while object2 can only do waterpolo

CodePudding user response:

Try with your data and let me know:

   select object_name,action_name
from (  select object_name,string_agg(property,',') as objects_property
         from  ( select object_name,property 
                 from objects
                 order by object_name,property  desc 
                ) as tt1
         group by object_name 
     ) as t1 
inner join 
    (   select action_name,string_agg(property,',') as action_property
        from  ( select action_name,property
                from actions 
                order by action_name,property desc 
              )as tt2
        group by action_name
    ) as t2 on t1.objects_property LIKE CONCAT('%', t2.action_property, '%')
where object_name='object1' ;

Check Fiddle

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