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Discord.py sends argument "weird"


So, I am making a discord music bot and when the person searches something it plays the music, and it uses the valuable arg for that so for example: ?play christmas song but altough it does play the music correctly it sends this message: Now playing: ('christmas', 'song') It's like it cuts the 2 words and puts them both in like a sort of list?

This is my code:

  async def play(self, ctx, *arg):
    if ctx.author.voice is None:
      await ctx.send("Join a voice channel")
    voice_channel = ctx.author.voice.channel
    if ctx.voice_client is None:
      await voice_channel.connect()
      await ctx.voice_client.move_to(voice_channel)
      requests.get(""   str(arg))
    except: arg = " "   str(arg)
    else: arg = ""   str(arg)
    YDL_OPTIONS = {'format':"bestaudio"}
    vc = ctx.voice_client
    FFMPEG_OPTIONS = {'before_options': '-reconnect 1 -reconnect_streamed 1 -reconnect_delay_max 5', 'options': '-vn'}
    with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(YDL_OPTIONS) as ydl:
      info = ydl.extract_info(f"ytsearch:{arg}", download=False)
      if 'entries' in info:
        video = info['entries'][0]
        video = info
      url2 = video['formats'][0]['url']
      video_url = video['url']
      source = await discord.FFmpegOpusAudio.from_probe(url2, **FFMPEG_OPTIONS)
      await ctx.send("Now playing: **"   str(arg)   "**")

CodePudding user response:

Instead of doing async def play(self, ctx, *arg): do async def play(self, ctx, *, arg): by making a keyword argument, it tells discord.py to consume all of the arguments passed to that single argument

so a command invoked as {prefix}play hello from adelle, in your command, your arg will be hello from adelle

CodePudding user response:

It's because you're just print what you receive as parameter, you need to decouple the arg as like this:

await ctx.send("Now playing: **"   *arg   "**")


await ctx.send("Now playing: **"   ' '.join(arg)   "**")
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