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POI met formula Java exception. Lang. RuntimeException: Not implemented yet



Public static void main (String [] args) {
XSSFWorkbook workbook=new XSSFWorkbook ();
XSSFSheet spreadsheet=workbook. CreateSheet (" formula ");
XSSFRow row=spreadsheet. CreateRow (1);
XSSFCell cell=row. CreateCell (1);

Cell=row. CreateCell (2);
//Create MAX formula
Cell. SetCellType (XSSFCell. CELL_TYPE_FORMULA);
Cell. SetCellFormula (" IFERROR (ROUND (Q4/P4, 2), 0) ");
System. The out. Println (" -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ");


The Exception in the thread "main" Java. Lang. RuntimeException: Not implemented yet
The at org, apache poi. XSSF. Usermodel. XSSFEvaluationWorkbook. GetNameXPtg (XSSFEvaluationWorkbook. Java: 105)
At org, apache poi. Ss. Formula. FormulaParser. Function (916) FormulaParser. Java:
The at org, apache poi. Ss. Formula. FormulaParser. ParseNonRange (FormulaParser. Java: 556)
The at org, apache poi. Ss. Formula. FormulaParser. ParseRangeable (FormulaParser. Java: 427)
The at org, apache poi. Ss. Formula. FormulaParser. ParseRangeExpression (FormulaParser. Java: 266)
The at org, apache poi. Ss. Formula. FormulaParser. ParseSimpleFactor (FormulaParser. Java: 1117)
The at org, apache poi. Ss. Formula. FormulaParser. PercentFactor (FormulaParser. Java: 1077)
The at org, apache poi. Ss. Formula. FormulaParser. PowerFactor (FormulaParser. Java: 1064)
At org, apache poi. Ss. Formula. FormulaParser. Term (FormulaParser. Java: 1424)
The at org, apache poi. Ss. Formula. FormulaParser. AdditiveExpression (FormulaParser. Java: 1524)
The at org, apache poi. Ss. Formula. FormulaParser. ConcatExpression (FormulaParser. Java: 1508)
At org.apache.poi.ss.formula.FormulaParser.com parisonExpression FormulaParser. Java: (1465)
The at org, apache poi. Ss. Formula. FormulaParser. UnionExpression (FormulaParser. Java: 1445)
The at org, apache poi. Ss. Formula. FormulaParser. Parse (FormulaParser. Java: 1566)
The at org, apache poi. Ss. Formula. FormulaParser. Parse (FormulaParser. Java: 174)
The at org, apache poi. XSSF. Usermodel. XSSFCell. SetFormula (XSSFCell. Java: 437)
The at org, apache poi. XSSF. Usermodel. XSSFCell. SetCellFormula (XSSFCell. Java: 417)
At com. Baoqilai. SCP. Controller. Warehouse. WarehouseInboundController. Main (WarehouseInboundController. Java: 563)
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