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Server error in "/" application


"/" in the application server error,

Operation must use an updateable query,
Note: during the execution of the current Web request, an unhandled exception, please check the stack trace, to learn about the errors and mistakes in the code of the source of detailed information,

Exception details: System. Exception: operation must use an updateable query,

The error source:

Line 105: {
Line 106: connection. The Close ();
Line 107: throw new Exception (E.M essage);
Line 108:}
Line 109:}

The source file: d: \ below \ HMDT \ below \ App_Code \ DbHelperOleDb_EN line cs: 107

The stack trace:

[Exception: operation must use an updateable query,]
DbHelperOleDb_EN. The ExecuteSql (String SQLString) in d: \ below \ HMDT \ below \ App_Code \ DbHelperOleDb_EN cs: 107
E_Admin_En. AdminLogin (Int32 user_id) in d: \ below \ HMDT \ below \ App_Code \ E_Admin cs: 807
Admin_login. Btn_login_Click (Object sender, EventArgs e) in d: \ below \ HMDT \ below \ EN/Admin/login aspx. Cs: 62
System. Web. UI. WebControls. LinkButton. OnClick (EventArgs e) + 111
System. Web. UI. WebControls. LinkButton. RaisePostBackEvent (String eventArgument) + 79
System. Web. UI. WebControls. LinkButton. System. Web. UI. IPostBackEventHandler. RaisePostBackEvent (String eventArgument) + 10
System. Web. UI. Page. RaisePostBackEvent (IPostBackEventHandler sourceControl, String eventArgument) + 13
System. Web. UI. Page. RaisePostBackEvent (NameValueCollection postData) + 175
System. Web. UI. Page. ProcessRequestMain (Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) + 1565

CodePudding user response:

Should be the path error, it is suggested that the post code,
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