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About the SQLException: the problem of the error


In the project using the JDBC Batch Batch, occasionally program Error, um participant etMessage () only one word "Error"
Can sometimes normal execution by, sometimes throw SQLException exceptions, the feeling is very strange, exception information is also very strange code roughly as follows:
Private void BatchInsertData (List The list, the Connection Connection) {
Try {
PrepareStatement ps=connection. PrepareStatement (" insert into A (A_ID, A_NAME, A_ENGLISH_NAME A_ADDERSS, A_PHONE_NUMBER) VALUES (1 A_SEQUENCE NEXTVAL,? ,? ,? ,?) ");
List. The forEach (beanClass - & gt; {
If (beanClss getName ()==null) {
Ps. SetNull (1, Types. VARCHAR);
} else {
Ps. SetString (1, beanClss getName ())
If (beanClss getEnglishName ()==null) {
Ps. SetNull (2 Types. VARCHAR);
} else {
Ps. SetString (2, beanClss getEnglishName ())
Ps. The addBatch ();//add batch
Ps. ExecuteBatch ();//perform batch
Conn.com MIT ();
} the catch (SQLException e) {
Conn. The rollback ();
System. Err. Println (the String. Format (" SQLException: Message [% s]; SQLState [% s]; ErrorCode [% s], "um participant etMessage (), um participant etSQLState (), um participant etErrorCode ()));
} the finally {
If (ps!=null) {
Ps. The close ();

The output of the anomaly information:
SQLException: Message (Error); SQLState (null), ErrorCode [0]
O great god answer
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