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Excuse me how the whole library export database, including all the users?


Excuse me how all library data pump is used to derive the database, including all the users?

CodePudding user response:


Suggest or explicitly to list all the user needs to export more good, also is the thing under the query data dictionary, no trouble, it is not necessary to some users of the system are derived,

CodePudding user response:

Database library all export (including all users)
Expdp [username]/[code] @/host character channeling directory=storage directory dumpfile=DMP file name. DMP logfile=log file name. Log full=y

Database library all import (including all users)
Impdp [username]/[code] @/host character channeling directory=storage directory dumpfile=DMP file name. DMP logfile=log file name. Log full=y ignore=y

CodePudding user response:

If the database can stop, copying data files is the fastest way

CodePudding user response:

CMD command:
Expdp [username]/[code] @/host character channeling directory=storage directory dumpfile=DMP file name. DMP logfile=log file name. Log full=y

CodePudding user response:

reference qq_33507131 reply: 3/f
, if the database can stop, copying data files is the fastest way to

Copy the file how oh,,

CodePudding user response:

Learning, is very practical

CodePudding user response:

Expdp [username]/[code] @ directory database instance name=storage directory dumpfile=XXX. DMP logfile=XXX. Log full=y

CodePudding user response:

1, landing up sqlplus system/password
2, create the data export directory expnc_dir for directory name, 'E: \ ncdatabak' actual directory for database, the command is: create the directory expnc_dir as' E: \ ncdatabak ';
3 for oracle users are granted permission to access the data directory, the command is as follows: Grant the read, write on directory expnc_dir dxzyjt),
4, the implementation of data pump a command, attention must be performed under Cmd, execution, after cannot login up sqlplus expdp dxzyjt/dxzyjt@ncdata_192.168.1.224 directory=expnc_dir dumpfile=ncdatabak. DMP schemas=dxzyjt logfile=ncdatabak. The log.

CodePudding user response:

Export all database to add me, upstairs to the already very full!
Create the directory dump_dir as' D: \ dump '; - create a DIRECTORY object
Grant read, write on directory dump_dir to Scott; - grants the user permission to use a directory
Expdp user/password directory=dump_dir dumpfile=fulldatabase. DMP full=y
This is some of the parameters, can choose;
The content (the content of the is used to specify to be exported, the default value is ALL)
The query (used to specify the filter derived data where conditions)
Directory (designated dump file and log file directory)
Dumpfile (specify the name of the dump file, the default expdat. DMP)
Logfile (export log file, the name of the default expor specified. The log)

CodePudding user response:

The third floor is cold standby
Said second floor is a hot standby general cold standby unless you want to set up test library more applicable,
But normal work in the hot standby is at most 3 l little brother said method is the most commonly used!! He read the method is very detail can be deep
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