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Search to match another table is very slow


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If ($benxiao> 0)
$sql_where.="and huodong. Mobile not in (SELECT mother_mobile FROM". $fdyu - & gt; The table (' oa_xueyuan '). "the where school_id=". $school_id. ") and huodong. Mobile not in (SELECT father_mobile FROM ". $fdyu - & gt; The table (' oa_xueyuan '). "the where school_id=". $school_id. ") and huodong. Mobile not in (SELECT home_tel FROM ". $fdyu - & gt; The table (' oa_xueyuan '). "the where school_id=". $school_id. ");//here if oa_xueyuan which list of data, search up slowly, then what's the other way can a bit faster?

$SQL="SELECT huodong. * FROM
". $fdyu - & gt; The table (' oa_huodong_baoming '). "as huodong
". $sql_title. "". $sql_benxiao." ". $sql_where. "the order by feiyong desc, huodong_baoming_id desc";

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