Home > database >  ORA - 00955: the name has been used by an existing object
ORA - 00955: the name has been used by an existing object


The create or replace the view tmdetectionrecord as
"The from (select ast. Id as lineID, ast. BelongCity as operUnitID, ast. ErectType, ast. AssetProperty, ast. OperationDate, ast. SpecialtyClassification,
Ast voltageClass as voltageLevel, ast lineName, ast. BelongCityName as operUnit,
GRM towerNO, GRM inspectionWorkType as detectionType, GRM. Conclusion as detectionResult, GRM. WorkTime as detectionTime, ast. EomsUnit as emosUnit, ast. EomsUnitName as emosUnitName
The from AstLineAssetInfoS ast
The join TmGruondResistanceMeasurement GRM (GRM) started its business on. LineID=ast. Id

Union all
Select the ast. Id as lineID, ast. BelongCity as operUnitID, ast. ErectType, ast. AssetProperty, ast. OperationDate, ast. SpecialtyClassification,
Ast voltageClass as voltageLevel, ast lineName, ast. BelongCityName as operUnit,
Wod observationTowerNO as towerNO, wod. InspectionWorkType as detectionType, wod. Conclusion as detectionResult, wod. ObservationTime as detectionTime, ast. EomsUnit as emosUnit, ast. EomsUnitName as emosUnitName
The from AstLineAssetInfoS ast
The join TmWaveObservationDistance wod on wod. LineID=ast. Id

Union all
Select the ast. Id as lineID, ast. BelongCity as operUnitID, ast. ErectType, ast. AssetProperty, ast. OperationDate, ast. SpecialtyClassification,
Ast voltageClass as voltageLevel, ast lineName, ast. BelongCityName as operUnit,
Cr. TowerNO as towerNO, cr. InspectionWorkType as detectionType, cr. Conclusion as detectionResult, cr. The workTime as detectionTime, ast. EomsUnit as emosUnit, ast. EomsUnitName as emosUnitName
The from AstLineAssetInfoS ast
The join TmCrackRecord cr on cr. LineID=ast. Id

Union all
Select the ast. Id as lineID, ast. BelongCity as operUnitID, ast. ErectType, ast. AssetProperty, ast. OperationDate, ast. SpecialtyClassification,
Ast voltageClass as voltageLevel, ast lineName, ast. BelongCityName as operUnit,
Ir towerNO as towerNO, ir. InspectionWorkType as detectionType, ir. Conclusion as detectionResult, ir. The workTime as detectionTime, ast. EomsUnit as emosUnit, ast. EomsUnitName as emosUnitName
The from AstLineAssetInfoS ast
The join TmIcingRecord ir on ir. LineID=ast. Id

Union all
Select the ast. Id as lineID, ast. BelongCity as operUnitID, ast. ErectType, ast. AssetProperty, ast. OperationDate, ast. SpecialtyClassification,
Ast voltageClass as voltageLevel, ast lineName, ast. BelongCityName as operUnit,
MPR towerNO as towerNO, MPR. InspectionWorkType as detectionType, MPR. Conclusion as detectionResult, MPR. WorkTime as detectionTime, ast. EomsUnit as emosUnit, ast. EomsUnitName as emosUnitName
The from AstLineAssetInfoS ast
The join TmMetalPartsRecord MPR on MPR. LineID=ast. Id

Union all
Select the ast. Id as lineID, ast. BelongCity as operUnitID, ast. ErectType, ast. AssetProperty, ast. OperationDate, ast. SpecialtyClassification,
Ast voltageClass as voltageLevel, ast lineName, ast. BelongCityName as operUnit,
Wsre towerNO as towerNO, wsre. InspectionWorkType as detectionType, wsre. Conclusion as detectionResult, wsre. WorkTime as detectionTime, ast. EomsUnit as emosUnit, ast. EomsUnitName as emosUnitName
The from AstLineAssetInfoS ast
The join TmWireSagRecord wsre on wsre. LineID=ast. Id

Union all
Select the ast. Id as lineID, ast. BelongCity as operUnitID, ast. ErectType, ast. AssetProperty, ast. OperationDate, ast. SpecialtyClassification,
Ast voltageClass as voltageLevel, ast lineName, ast. BelongCityName as operUnit,
Cre towerNO as towerNO, cre. InspectionWorkType as detectionType, cre. Conclusion as detectionResult, cre. WorkTime as detectionTime, ast. EomsUnit as emosUnit, ast. EomsUnitName as emosUnitName
The from AstLineAssetInfoS ast
The join TmCrossRecord cre on cre. LineID=ast. Id

Union all
Select the ast. Id as lineID, ast. BelongCity as operUnitID, ast. ErectType, ast. AssetProperty, ast. OperationDate, ast. SpecialtyClassification,
Ast voltageClass as voltageLevel, ast lineName, ast. BelongCityName as operUnit,
Iir towerNO as towerNO, iir. InspectionWorkType as detectionType, iir. Conclusion as detectionResult, iir. WorkTime as detectionTime, ast. EomsUnit as emosUnit, ast. EomsUnitName as emosUnitName
The from AstLineAssetInfoS ast
The join TmInsulatorInfluenceRecord iir on iir. LineID=ast. Id

Union all
Select the ast. Id as lineID, ast. BelongCity as operUnitID, ast. ErectType, ast. AssetProperty, ast. OperationDate, ast. SpecialtyClassification,
Ast voltageClass as voltageLevel, ast lineName, ast. BelongCityName as operUnit,
Olr profilesection as towerNO, olr. InspectionWorkType as detectionType, olr. Conclusion as detectionResult, olr. WorkTime as detectionTime, ast. EomsUnit as emosUnit, ast. EomsUnitName as emosUnitName
The from AstLineAssetInfoS ast
The join TmOverheadLineRecord olr on olr. LineID=ast. Id

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